one of the favorite candidates to occupy the Comptroller General’s Office resigns

one of the favorite candidates to occupy the Comptroller General’s Office resigns
one of the favorite candidates to occupy the Comptroller General’s Office resigns

For this Tuesday, June 11, are planned the interviews in the House of Representatives of the candidates for Comptroller General of the Republic.

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​Ten of the candidates who got the best scores, including Carlos Hernán Rodríguez, will answer questions from the congressmen for about two hours.

One leaves the competition

However, EL TIEMPO established that one of the favorites, Whoever got the best score in the tests to occupy the high position is not going to appear for the interview. This is Andrés Castro Franco, current Representative of Bogotá.

In a letter sent to the president of the Senate, Iván Name, says that he does not want to cause more setbacks in the election process.

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Two years ago and convinced of the transparency of public calls and
selection and merit contests to fill public positions, I presented my name as an applicant to be the Comptroller General of the Republic, a call that was issued
and led to the election of the then head of the national fiscal control entity,” he points out.

Andrés Castro, representative of Bogotá.

Photo:Private file

The arguments

This is the letter that Andrés Castro sent to the Senate.


And he adds in his letter:

As is known, judicial decisions determined that the process be reversed, a situation that today makes it once again part of the list of those eligible to exercise such high dignity, this as a result, precisely of merit..

However, currently and as a result of a merit contest in which I also took first place, I am the Representative of Bogotá, DC for the period 2024-2028, acquiring a commitment to the city that I must honor.

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I do not want to generate more setbacks in the election process for the Comptroller General of the Republic.but the responsibility acquired with the citizens, the respect for you, congressmen, for the institutions and for fiscal control, lead me to distance myself from the process, with the conviction that the process will culminate with the best results for the needs of the country

Whats Next?

After the vote of the Senators and Representatives of the Chamber in a plenary session of Congress, Carlos Hernán Rodríguez was elected Comptroller General of Colombia. Then his election was annulled,

Photo:César Melgarejo / El Tiempo

Some consider that Castro’s retirement is due to Carlos Hernán Rodríguez -whose election was annulled by the Council of State- would be re-elected without major problems.

(See all the articles from the EL TIEMPO Investigative Unit here)

However, there are other candidates in the dispute for the position: María Fernanda Rangel, Diana Carolina Torres, Mónica Certaín, Elsa Yasmín González, Julio César Cárdenas, Luis Carlos Pineda, Víctor Salcedo and Karol González.

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