Water Quality in Antarctica

A transdisciplinary and inter-institutional team was present on the white continent to take water samples that will allow the evaluation of the purification processes to determine its quality and evaluate its use as a drinking source.

In a commitment of cooperation between COCOANTAR, the Argentine Army and the INA, sampling was carried out at the Esperanza Joint Antarctic Base, Marambio Joint Antarctic Base and Petrel Joint Antarctic Base.

The research project is produced by the deputy manager of the INA Water Quality Laboratory, Yanina El Kassisse, Major Yanina Reynoso of the General Directorate of Research and Development of the Argentine Army (DIGID), and Captain Emiliano Luca, an advanced student of chemical engineering at the Argentine Army Engineering Faculty.

The INA is in charge of analyzing the quality of water in the Antarctic bases and to meet this goal, it carried out sampling in the different bases mentioned to evaluate the obtaining processes considering all its uses, including purification for consumption.

Upon his return, El Kasssisse maintained that during the campaign samples were extracted that will be analyzed physicochemically in both laboratories of the deputy management of the INA Water Quality Laboratory (SLCA-INA), and highlighted the commitment that the Institute has throughout the entire national territory.

In addition, the INA must intervene in the development of protocols for the provision of water for use and consumption as well as for cleaning the tanks used in the purification system. With this work, the institute assumes a responsibility with sustainable development in the region, thus ensuring the possibility of guaranteeing the use of this finite resource for those who are in the Antarctic region.
Finally, with the results obtained on the continent, comparisons will be made with previous results from other institutions or companies and with the sampling carried out by the INA the previous year.

The COCOANTAR of Argentina has the mission of conducting Argentine operations permanently and continuously in Antarctica and area of ​​interest, to ensure the deployment, logistical support and development of scientific activity, in order to contribute to the fulfillment of the Annual Antarctic Plan. Scientific, Technical and Services.

The main task is related to scientific research, while the secondary tasks are logistical and technical, maintenance of facilities and infrastructure, providing support services to expeditions of other bases, ships, and aircraft, as well as maintenance. of the shelters.

In this way, the objective of the INA is to continue within the framework of this project and visit the Antarctic region again to take samples and analyze the water in the rest of the Argentine Antarctic bases. The results to be obtained in each work will provide the possibility of developing and implementing improvements in the care of this vital resource.

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