a neuquina in the middle of the discussion

a neuquina in the middle of the discussion
a neuquina in the middle of the discussion

“We have heard the statement of the former Minister of Social Development (Tolosa Paz). We saw a series of criminal acts that have occurred during his administration that have not yet been clarified,” the libertarian deputy began during his intervention in the Social Action and Public Health commission.

Continuing with his invectives against Tolosa Paz, he identified her as a former official “allegedly criminal” and also as “a pochoclera in search of jurisdiction.”


The Action of the Social and Public Health Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.

Quickly, the vice president of the Lower House, Cecilia Moreau, got up from her chair very angry and went out to the Almirón intersection: “Chanta” and “rude” are some of the shouts she shouted at him.

The counterpoint to the screams between Lisandro Almirón and Cecilia Moreau

-“Who are you, you rude person? Go to court, you blackmailer!”, lashed out the massista.

-“You are well educated, right? The one who says ‘chanta is insulting,'” the man from Corrientes returned.

-“Yes, I’m insulting you. Chanta!” Moreau persisted.

-“You have your husband, your father, your sister, everything here in the Legislature and you have to put up with your insults. And you are talking about blackmail?” the official counterattacked.

-“Rude!” Moreau insisted.

Finally, Almirón asked her to sit back in her chair, and told her not to get nervous because “the coffee was going to be bad for her.”

Crossing in Deputados between Moreau and Almirón

The intervention of Nadia Márquez from Neuquén

The president of the commission, Pablo Yedlin, tried to restore order, but it did not stop there. In the midst of the hubbub, Libertarian deputy Nadia Márquez tried to intervene in defense of Almirón, but the Peronist from Tucumán stopped her in her tracks and ordered her to “shut up.”

“Are you asking (Almirón) to intervene?” he asked, and when the woman from Neuquén refused, Yedlin responded bluntly: “Then shut up, deputy.” “How can you shut up!?” Márquez retorted, asking for explanations for the rude way in which the head of the commission addressed her.

“Shut up, lady,” the head of the commission insisted with sarcasm.


Nadia Márquez next to Lisandro Almirón, during her speech.

Almirón resumed his dispute with the Unión por la Patria deputies and returned to the fray: “They eat popcorn and then when someone tells them that they eat popcorn, they get angry,” he said smiling.

“Talk, eat popcorn,” Yedlin conceded, accepting the Corrientes’ humor and considering the episode over.

The absence of Sandra Pettovello

The statements of the liberal deputy in the Social Action and Public Health commission raised the temperature of a meeting that was already heated not only by the interventions of the pre-opinion legislators but, mainly, by all the previous overload of tension that had been generated around to the controversy for the summons to the minister of the Government of Javier Milei.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, had rescinded the invitation that Yedlin had extended to Pettovello, by interpreting that it had not been analyzed by the other two commissions that were responsible for analyzing the different projects linked to the undistributed food scandal.


Sandra Pettovello’s empty chair, this Tuesday in Deputies.

Opening the meeting, Yedlin said that “We have not had a response from her directly. It seems to me that there was a conflict of understanding about the invitation that we had made regarding what is a summons in the constitutional framework of interpellations to ministers, which was not the objective, but rather a kind invitation.”

Yedlin confirmed that “regardless of the processing of the files and the summons that the body imposes on her figure as a minister, this Health and Social Action Commission of the Chamber of Deputies invites her again at the time and day that you want in June “We understand that it is an urgent situation, that is why we prefer it to happen as soon as possible, to be able to make this clear, which is what the Argentinians ask of us.”

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