Camilo Sánchez and Camilo Pardo from Fuck News win protection in the Constitutional Court | News today| News from In the Mood to Offend

Camilo Sánchez and Camilo Pardo from Fuck News win protection in the Constitutional Court | News today| News from In the Mood to Offend
Camilo Sánchez and Camilo Pardo from Fuck News win protection in the Constitutional Court | News today| News from In the Mood to Offend

Camilo Pardo (left) and Camilo Sánchez (right)./ @fucksnewsnoticreo

Photo: Instagram @fucksnewsnoticreo

The Constitutional Court rejected a protection against comedians Camilo Sánchez and Camilo Pardo, known for being the creators of Fuck News, a comedy format that has been criticized for its content. According to the high court, the judicial action, which indicates that the Camilos promote and incite sexual violence against boys and girls, does not comply with several requirements of the law. The high court confirmed what two other judicial courts had already indicated about the judicial action: the guardianship did not have the legal requirements to be studied in depth.

The Court says that the plaintiff had to resort to other mechanisms, before filing the protection action so that the material that he considers harmful to children is removed from social networks, such as Tik Tok, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. .

“The plaintiff admitted that he has not requested the defendants to amend or remove the humorous content that he considers violates the rights of children and adolescents. He has also not made any similar request or claim to the social networks in which they are hosted. This, despite the fact that these platforms allow the reporting of the publications found there, so that this requirement is also required of the plaintiff,” the high court considered.

Specifically, the guardianship ruling states, Google and Instagram responded that no complaint or complaint was received from the citizen who filed the guardianship or another person against the comedians’ accounts and channels, and explained how the mechanisms and procedures available in case of reporting any content or user when it violates the community standards of both platforms.

“Although this Review Chamber will not carry out a substantive study for the reasons stated, it cannot be lost sight of that any disagreements that the plaintiff may have regarding the protection of the fundamental rights of children and adolescents may be made known. to those who reasonably consider violating their duties and use the mechanisms enabled by the different digital platforms. In the same sense, those who carry out work in the field of public communication and social networks are called to adopt and strengthen their own self-control mechanisms and good practices, which materialize the weighing of constitutionally protected principles and rights, especially with regard to the prevalence of the rights of children and adolescents,” says the ruling of the Constitutional Court.

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