Training continues for teachers aspiring to the position of director at the Mercedes Sosa Theater

Training continues for teachers aspiring to the position of director at the Mercedes Sosa Theater
Training continues for teachers aspiring to the position of director at the Mercedes Sosa Theater

Within the framework of the background and opposition competition for the tenure coverage of positions of Directors of state-run secondary schools, implemented from Resolution 613/5 (MEd); The conference “Government and school management in secondary education” was held at the Mercedes Sosa Theater. Institutional conditions for teaching”, by Unicef ​​Argentina specialists Sandra Nicastro and Marisa Díaz.

Present during the opening of the day were the Secretary of Education, Gabriela Gallardo; the director of Secondary Education, Rosa Casares; the member of the Unicef ​​Argentina Education team, Alan Baichman; accompanied by level directors, authorities from the National University of Tucumán, representatives of teaching unions, supervisors of Primary and Secondary Education, directors, teachers and ministerial technical teams.

Sofía Galindo, member of the technical team of the Directorate of Secondary Education, commented “today we have the second training conference for candidates for this contest, whose registration closed yesterday. This second meeting is in collaboration with Unicef ​​led by Sandra Nicastro and Marisa Díaz; and in the afternoon we have workshops at the León XIII School that kindly lends us the facilities.”

In turn, Francisco Lazarte, director of the Governor Garmendia School in Burruyacú, said “the importance of a contest is that it is always good to legitimize the position we have, it has not been done for a long time and it is an achievement of this administration to put into practice the regulations that were in force. This training seems very important to me to expand the knowledge we have, it will be very important to guide us and lead us to a good outcome in the contest.”


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