Javier Milei talked about Conan and his dogs and surprised in the middle of the EFI Expo: “I hate…”

He president Javier Milei was presented this Wednesday at the Argentine Economics Exhibition, Finance and Investments (EFI Expo) as one of the main speakers of the event on the premises of The Rural, where these matters are debated. Over there, The Argentine president took the opportunity to talk about his dogs and remember Conan.

In a intervention in which he spoke about the conditions of reaching the zero deficit and staunchly defended the management of Sandra Pettovello in front of the Ministry of Human CapitalPresident Javier Milei took a few minutes to bring Conan into the conversationand surprised the audience who followed him attentively.

Javier Milei spoke about Conan at the EFI Expo: “now they criticize me because…”

Is impossible to separate Javier Milei about his pets and the total secrecy that surrounds the president’s dogs. Therefore, every time he talks about Conan and his other dogsthe audience usually pays more attention to it.

So while spoke about current events Argentine economic in the EFI Expo, Javier Milei He indicated that “I hate traveling. And now They criticize me because I travel a lot. “I’m going to tell you a funny anecdote,” the president said to his attentive audience.

«I worked in a group called America Corporation and my work involved a lot of travelingme too I hated having to travel so much because I missed Conan a lot. Now strange by five and they insult me ​​because I travel“I hate traveling,” he explained. Javier Milei in his intervention.

In this context, he indicated that «Argentina is a very strange country«. «They also invented that I was not going to travel to Italy. Yes I’m going to ItalyI’m going to the G7 meeting, but They invented that he did not travel» concluded the president Javier Milei about his travels and closeness with his pets.

EFI Expo: what it is and what’s new

In the midst of an environment marked by the economic direction, and only six months after arriving at Milei governmentthe exhibition of the Economics and Finance leaders has as its motto “Stabilize and reform: conditions for growth”. Furthermore, the specialists who will speak will provide content which will serve to analyze the global context, the state and prospects of the Argentine economythe political scene and the financial market. There is special coverage from Diario Río Negro.

The event that brings together every year the greatest exponents of economics and finance in Argentina, takes place on days June 12 and 13 at the La Rural property, in the City of Buenos Aires. In this edition, the summit promises to exceed all expectations, through an enriched program and new proposals for attendees, who will enjoy two days of pure economic and financial information from leaders in the sector.

As a novelty in this 11th edition, a new content space will be introduced: the stock market. This open auditorium will provide talks on investments, personal finances, fintech tools and the closing of the markets of the day.

Likewise, the expo includes more than 30 Workshopsa literary space for presentations of books in the sectorcommercial stands and thirteen seminars, with the presence of prominent figures from mining, oil & gas, agriculture, fintech, investments, SMEs and entrepreneurs, financing, knowledge economy, tourism, real estate and health.

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