Villavo Fashion has arrived, Fashion Week in Villavicencio

Villavo Fashion has arrived, Fashion Week in Villavicencio
Villavo Fashion has arrived, Fashion Week in Villavicencio

Villavo Fashion

With an allegory to Venice’s Carnival, The version is held in the capital of Meta 13 of Villavo Fashion, the Orinoquia Fashion Week.

With a European inspiration, but at the same time adding the plains traditionsfor five days, from this Thursday, June 12, until Sunday, June 16, Villavicenses and tourists will be able to immerse themselves in the fashion worldaccompanied by catwalks, which will take place in the GHL Hotel Convention Centerin addition to an academic agenda, trade fair and regional gastronomy.

For nine years, the Villavo Fashion He is betting on turning Meta and Villavicencio into a epicenter of fashion: “We want to show regional talent, so that tourists come and stay in Villavicencio, so that if they are looking for clothes, bathing suits and garments, let them be from here,” said Cony Bernal Executive Director. In previous editions, the event was held for two days, however, this year It was bet on the launch of a week, This being the result of a year of preparation.

Read also: This is how you can be part of Fashion Week in Villavicencio

“Our idea is to be able to create an experience of the type that Medellín and Bogotá have, not only can you live in different cities, here we have the platforms, logistical capacity and above all the talent, although the region is known as agricultural sectors, here “There are more than 170 fashion designers present that sometimes we realize exist, this is what Villavo Fashion is for, making them visible,” Explain Natasha Guerrero, Marketing Director.

Within the agenda, there will be conferences such as the one on hemp in the fashion industry and a gateway called Footbridge of the Llaneridad “Cuadrillas de San Martin”, which focuses on showing the cultural traditions, innovative design proposals and thus highlight everything that is experienced in the crews.

“These events energize the economy, they are the ways to solve the challenges we have as a department“, an impact is generated from the sale, the visit of people from other cities and municipalities, the transportation sector, all these factors serve to make the department’s economy show growth,” stated Rodrigo Linares, Secretary of Competitiveness and Economic Development.

If you want to know the programming of the Villavo Fashion click on this link

María Valentina Barahona / Meta Newspaper Special

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