Drone attack on the Army leaves three soldiers injured

Drone attack on the Army leaves three soldiers injured
Drone attack on the Army leaves three soldiers injured

After the attack with a motorcycle bomb outside a bank in the center of Jamundí, Valle del Cauca, on the afternoon of this Wednesday, June 12, a new act of violence occurred in the south of the department of Cauca, specifically on the farm El Pepinal, in El Plateado, in a rural area of ​​Algeria, after an attack with drones on Army soldiers.

The authorities confirmed that three soldiers are injured and that the origin of the attack and whether there are more soldiers injured are still unknown. In recent days, southwestern Colombia has been going through a wave of violence due to FARC dissidents.

In the last two years, the municipality of Jamundí has ​​recorded a total of 17 attacks and harassment by groups outside the law. It is worth remembering the car bomb at kilometer 1 that leads from Jamundí to Potrerito, in 2022, or all three attacks with grenades and explosives in 2023 that left one dead and three police officers injured among other members of the community.

After the dissidents announced this year the execution of their violent acts, six attacks have already been reported in Valle del Cauca, including the motorcycle bomb near the hostel where 100 police officers who had arrived to reinforce security in Jamundí were staying.

The mayor of this municipality, Paola Castillo, assured this Wednesday that: “We have had several difficult months in our municipality (…) in different ways we have been asking the National Government for its support. Today we demand that President Gustavo Petro look towards Jamundí, because our citizens cannot continue in the middle of this absurd war that does not belong to us,” said Castillo.

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