The particular shape of the gold bracelet that Máxima debuted on her tour of the United States

The particular shape of the gold bracelet that Máxima debuted on her tour of the United States
The particular shape of the gold bracelet that Máxima debuted on her tour of the United States

June 12, 202415:55



Yesterday, Tuesday, June 11, the kings of the Netherlands Máxima and Guillermo visited the city of Savannah, in Georgia, on the second day of their official trip to the United States. They were received by Mayor Van Johnson, at the municipality. They then toured the facilities of the Savannah College of Arts and Design to learn in detail about its prestigious study program.

Máxima wore a white midi dress, with a V-neckline and peplum cut by Dior. It was not the first time that she wore this model: she had already done so in 2017, when she visited Palermo, on an official tour of Italy. However, on this trip Máxima surprised us with a subtle but powerful message. It was not her dress, but the bracelet she wore on her right hand that mesmerized the photographers.

Queen Máxima at Savannah State University with her bracelet in the shape of ArgentinaPatrick van Katwijk – Getty Images North America

This is the ‘Flashes of Argentina’ bracelet, by Argentine designer Lisi Fracchia, 54, a prominent gemologist and gem expert who is based in Madrid, where she has successfully created her eponymous jewelry brand.

Made of silver and 18-karat yellow gold plating, the bracelet belongs to a series of accessories in the shapes of countries called “My place in the world.” There are them with the silhouette of the United States, Egypt, Italy and also Germany. They all have a value ranging from €1000 to €1500.

The Argentine Republic bracelet that Máxima wore costs €1,240, and today, on the designer’s website, it is listed as “sold out.”

The “Flashes of Argentina” bracelet that Máxima wore on Lisi Fracchia’s website

It is not the first time that Máxima chooses something from the Argentine designer. In fact, she already had gems and stones that she had bought him on other occasions. Fracchia’s business took off relatively recently. In a few years, she went from being an English teacher in her home in the Rio Negro city of Cipolletti – a profession and a geography that she carries in her heart – to a designer of jewelry worn by Queens Máxima of Holland and Letizia of Spain.

“When I saw that Letizia was wearing some earrings that I had designed, I couldn’t believe it. It was a huge surprise and great satisfaction,” she told LA NACION in 2018.

Lisi Fracchia, wearing her pieces: she went from the hallways of a school to the most exclusive catwalks

Yesterday, after seeing the Queen of the Netherlands wearing one of her creations, she could not hide her joy: “Seeing Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands wearing one of my creations is a moment of immense pride and emotion for me and for my mark. This milestone not only validates the work and creativity I put into each piece, but also reinforces my commitment to excellence in design and craftsmanship. As an ambassador of the Argentina country brand, it is an honor to bring a little piece of my homeland to the world through my jewelry. This international recognition not only increases the visibility of my brand, but also highlights the quality and beauty that Argentina has to offer, strengthening the image of my country and motivating greater interest in my creations,” she said.

The kings of Holland with Mayor Van Johnson, in Savannah, the oldest city in Georgia (Richard Burkhart/Savannah Morning News via AP, Pool)Richard Burkhart – Pool Savannah Morning News

King William Alexander and Queen Maxima in Savannah (Richard Burkhart/Savannah Morning News via AP, Pool)Richard Burkhart – Pool Savannah Morning News

He approached gemology and jewelry design as a hobby. However, among the jewels she found her new profession. “I was already the mother of one of my daughters and I needed to do something I could dedicate myself to at home,” she said. By then, she had arrived in Madrid for her husband’s work. “I had left my job as an English teacher and needed to do something,” she explains. It was the beginning of a career that grew rapidly, and for which she received more than 10 awards.

It is not the first time that Máxima expresses a message or feeling through an accessory. More than once she wore a golden bracelet crowned with small charms and a larger one that has a capital “M” engraved, the initial letter of her name.

On May 17, 2011, for her 40th birthday, Guillermo Alejandro gave her a yellow gold link bracelet inlaid with five stones. On the gold, next to each stone, he engraved the name of a family member: the turquoise stone has “Amalia” written on it, the white one “Alexia” and he embroidered “Ariane”.

Next to the green one it says “Máxima” and on the white one “Alex”. Then, in 2017, Máxima debuted a rigid yellow gold bracelet composed of the names of her three daughters. The names are separated by a sun (apparently a “Sol de Mayo”, Argentine emblem) and a horseshoe (another symbol of fortune).

The May sun, visible on the braceletGetty Images – HELLO


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