Who is Carlos Hernán Rodríguez, who returns to the position of comptroller general

Who is Carlos Hernán Rodríguez, who returns to the position of comptroller general
Who is Carlos Hernán Rodríguez, who returns to the position of comptroller general

Lawyerteacher and politician Carlos Hernán Rodrígueza native of Palmira (Valle del Cauca), has returned to the position of Comptroller General of the Republic after having been initially elected in 2022.

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Rodríguez had been removed from office in 2023 after the Council of State declared his annulment. election due to vices in the Procedure of selection. For that reason, Carlos Mario Zuluaga was provisionally appointed as his replacement.

Subsequently, the Constitutional Court gave the order to the Congress of the republic to make the choice again taking into account the same list of candidates delivered in 2022.

For this reason, Rodríguez was included again in the list of ten eligible and now returns to the Comptroller.

Rodríguez graduated from Law from the Santiago de Cali University and has a specialization in constitutional law and administrative law of the Free University. In addition, she has been a professor in administrative and constitutional law at the universities of Valle, San Buenaventura, Santiago de Cali and Javeriana.

Between 1995 and 2000, Restrepo was a councilor of Palmira and in 2001 he was chosen one deputy from the Cauca Valleya position he held until 2003.

Subsequently, between 2004 and 2006, Rodríguez was Secretary of Office, Institutional Development and Planning at the Governorate of Valle del Cauca during the administration of Angelino Garzón.

Later, between 2008 and 2012, he held the position of controller of Valle del Cauca and in 2016 he was appointed ombudsman of the Cauca’s Valley. Then, between 2017 and 2019, he directed the General Auditor’s Office of the Republic.

Additionally, Rodríguez was an office advisor at the National Land Agency between 2020 and 2022.

For the year 2022, the Congress of the Republic elected him Comptroller General of the Republic, replacing Carlos Felipe Córdoba. However, in May 2023, his election was declared null and void. alleged irregularities in the processing of your appointment.

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