Student died in strange circumstances after playing soccer at a school in Bogotá

Student died in strange circumstances after playing soccer at a school in Bogotá
Student died in strange circumstances after playing soccer at a school in Bogotá

11:59 AM

There is pain and shock among the educational community of the Nuestra Señora de Fátima school in the town of Tunjuelito, south of Bogotá, after the death of a studentyou in strange circumstances.

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According to the school, The 11-year-old boy, a sixth grade student, was playing a soccer game. with their classmates during recess. In the middle of the game he said that he felt a bad headache.

“He was playing soccer with friends, he reported a severe headache, “He was taken to the orientation area and began a sacred through the nose,” says the institution’s document.

The school added that “although it seemed to be a normal situation, unfortunately the student fainted, a situation in which “An ambulance was immediately requested.”

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The minor apparently received medical attention in an ambulance attached to the General Santander Police School. The child had no vital signs, so resuscitation maneuvers were initiated in the vehicle. When they arrived at El Tunal hospital, the student had already died.

“Unfortunately, and despite the fact that health professionals exhausted all efforts to try to revive the student, he was reported dead upon entering the medical center,” said the school, which added that The causes of the minor’s death are still unknown and it will be Legal Medicine the one that determines what caused his death.

After what happened, the Ministry of Education announced that it will be present at the school in the middle of the day on June 12, in order to accompany the educational community and family members in the midst of the grieving process for the departure of the minor.

For its part, the school “reiterated the message of condolence to the parents, relatives and colleagues” of the deceased minor.aware that his legacy as a committed, companionate and appreciated student for the entire school community, will always last in our hearts.”

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