This is how the list of companies subject to privatization remained after the changes in the Senate

In a marathon and tense session, The Senate of the Nation gave the green light to the Bases Law in particular, marking a crucial advance for the ruling party in its objective of reforming the State. This project, which had been approved in general with a tie broken by the vice president and head of the Upper House, Victoria Villarruel, once again needed your vote to break the tie vote in particular. How the path continues.

The Base Law, in its framework II entitled “State Reform”, initially included the privatization of various state companies. However, Throughout the day and in response to criticism and negotiations, several key changes were incorporated to ensure its approval.

One of the most debated points was the exclusion of Aerolíneas Argentinas, Correo Argentino and Radio y Televisión Argentina (RTA) of the annex related to privatizations. These changes were advanced by Bartolomé Abdala, senator from La Libertad Avanza (LLA) and reporting member of the project.

Base Law: without Aerolíneas Argentinas, the Post Office or public media, the ruling party gave in and shortened the list of privatizations

To mitigate the impact and obtain the necessary support, the Government agreed to several modifications. It was incorporated into article 3 lThe prohibition of dissolving organizations linked to culture, thus guaranteeing their continuity and preservation.

In article 6, The inclusion of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) was proposed as an organization excluded from the power to intervene.underlining the strategic importance of this entity for the nation.

This is how the list of companies to be privatized was:

1- AYSA (Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos SA)

2- Energía Argentina SA (Enarsa)

3- Tandanor (North Dock Naval Workshops)

4- Dioxa (Infrastructure and Public Works Developer SA)

5- Intercargo SAC (Airport Services)

6- Nucleoelectrica Argentina SA

7- Military Manufacturing State Society.

8- General Administration of SE Ports

Bases Law: what were the reactions and perspectives after approval in the Senate

The ruling party thus managed to approve all the titles put to the vote, including Emergencies and powers, State Reform, Contracts and transactional agreements, Registered employment, Labor modernization, Energy and Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI).

The RIGI, one of the most controversial chapters, It had the support of three senators from Unión por la Patria (UP), tipping the balance in favor of the project with a comfortable 38 to 32.

Bases Law: after the general approval of the Senate, what will be the next steps to sanction the project

Due to the changes incorporated, the project must return to the Chamber of Deputies for review. This process implies that the law is not yet fully approved, but the progress in the Senate marks a significant step towards its eventual implementation.

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