The Possible Argentina: Ticino, a town that breathes work – Notes – The Possible Argentina

The Possible Argentina: Ticino, a town that breathes work – Notes – The Possible Argentina
The Possible Argentina: Ticino, a town that breathes work – Notes – The Possible Argentina

We look for contrast, we look for that possible Argentina. Today, more appropriate, impossible. From Ticino, in La Argentina Posible, on the other side of everything that happened this Wednesday. Of all the violence and madness that you have already been recounting and yesterday throughout the entire day in Chain 3.

This is clearly the other side, what we went out to look for in the interior, in the towns. With determination, effort, work and dedication, we discovered a region where almost all of its 3,000 inhabitants have full employment.

Yesterday we arrived at 11:15 and it seemed like a Sunday or holiday because there were no people on the streets but then we realized that everyone was working. Someone told me: “Here there are three hardware stores and a bowling alley (bar), they work here.”

This morning we spoke with a municipal employee who works 10 and a half hours a day; We also visited a bakery open all day where its owners work alongside his two daughters.

But Ticino has its maximum expression thanks to the production of peanuts by Lorenzati Ruetsch; a company as big as a city with 60 hectares and 700 workers.

They not only produce peanuts but also peanut paste, peanut oil and even generate energy from peanut shells to sell to the national grid.

This is the other side of what we saw yesterday in Buenos Aires, the other Argentina. While everything was happening, I was inside a factory seeing how Argentina works and how it can move forward.

I am in real Argentina, not just possible. Here there is industry and cutting-edge technology; Here value is added to the base product and reinvested in the country.

I spoke with Dardo Lorenzati, one of the owners of the company who assures that there is a possible Argentina if we all work together to improve our quality of life.

This is how I see Ticino and this part of the country: as the possible Argentina. Where not only is it produced but value is also added to the final product and reinvested in the country itself.

We will return later with another breath of fresh air from here, where, also, I tell you, the food is very good.

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