Rain in the Metropolitan region: this is the commune where the most water has fallen (and this is the incredible number of millimeters)

Rain in the Metropolitan region: this is the commune where the most water has fallen (and this is the incredible number of millimeters)
Rain in the Metropolitan region: this is the commune where the most water has fallen (and this is the incredible number of millimeters)

At the beginning of this week the entry of a new front system has caused heavy rains in the central and southern part of the country. However, as the days go by, these have spread to more places in the country, even reaching northern regions of the national territory.

In the case of the Metropolitan regionsince the beginning of the day of this Thursday June 13 The rainfall has been noticeable in practically all the communes of the capital.

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In fact, in conversation with ADN.cl, the meteorologist from the Chilean Meteorological Directorate (DMC), Andres Moncadadetailed that, around 3:00 p.m. this Thursday, June 13, in the Metropolitan region “we have accumulated 37.6 millimeters at the Quinta Normal station.”

Rain in the Metropolitan region: In which commune has the most rain fallen?

Although there have been intense rains in practically every corner of the capital, there is a commune in the Metropolitan region where a greater amount of millimeters of water has been recorded.

It is nothing more and nothing less than the commune of Good. In said place “We already have accumulated 64 millimeters and we could walk near the 90 millimeters in total during the event,” explained the meteorologist.

Together with the aforementioned commune, the specialist explained that the places where the most water has fallen correspond to those in the southern section of the Metropolitan region and also in the eastern sector. In that sense, “The commune of La Reina has already accumulated a little more than 40 millimeters,” specific.

Until when will it rain in the Metropolitan region?

After being asked about when the frontal system will end in the capital, Andrés Moncada explained that “the rainfall “They will last until the afternoon of tomorrow (Friday, June 14).”

“About 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. Friday afternoon the last rainfall should be recorded in Santiago,” the specialist clarified.


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