The Legislature approved the creation of a commission for pension reform in Santa Fe

The Legislature approved the creation of a commission for pension reform in Santa Fe
The Legislature approved the creation of a commission for pension reform in Santa Fe

The Santa Fe Legislature approved this Thursday a project to create a multi-sector commission That will study alternatives to advance with a pension reform in the province.

The Santa Fe Senate finished giving the final sanction after the Chamber of Deputies introduced modifications to the project and resubmit for review.

The text approved this Thursday does not raise the need to reform the pension regime, but rather to analyze the situation in the face of the growing deficit.

It also establishes that it must guarantee “the permanence of the Retirement and Pension Fund in the orbit of the Provincial State and its supportive character.”

The initiative creates a commission whose objective is “to study, prepare and write a report regarding the sustainability of the pension regime in force in the province of Santa Fe.”

On the other hand, the body must submit the report to the Executive Branch within a period of up to 45 dayswhich will govern “from the date of publication.”

The commission will be made up of the presidents of the Constitutional Affairs and General Legislation Commissions of the Chamber of Senators and the Chamber of Deputies, who will be the ones who preside over it.

There will be six senators, eight deputiesfour representatives of the Executive Branch and four members of the unions.

“I don’t have to govern only for public employees”

This Thursday, Governor Maximiliano Pullaro once again referred to the possibility of reforming the pension regime in the Province of Santa Fe to give a solution to the Pension Fund deficit.

In this regard, he maintained that “we are clear and we put the numbers on the table“We do not hide any problem, so that society can also understand it: the Fund this month is going to have a deficit of 40,000 million pesos with what is the payment of bonuses.”

He also maintained that the impact of the deficit is the equivalent of “40 kilometers of route, there are eight schools that we are not going to build in the province, they are more than the 840 patrol cars that we are buying”.

“I understand that this is not fair,” Pullaro continued, “because I I don’t have to govern only for public employees, I have to do it for the whole society. Unfortunately, the Fund had many delays, because it is an extremely old law. But it does not mean that we are going to take rights away from any worker; On the contrary, we are defending the rights of future retirees in the province of Santa Fe, because the problem of the Fund is getting bigger and bigger, and it is an injustice that those who are not public employees support the system,” he concluded.

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