The DGE announced measures due to concern and the increase in online gambling among teenagers

The Minister of Education, Tadeo García Zalazar, together with Ida López, president of the Institute of Games and Casinos and authorities of the Judicial and Legislative powers, presented actions to address the problem of online betting in teenagers. They warn that minors spend more and more time with electronic devices and, in teenagersThe increase of game on the platforms of online betting concerns and deserves a comprehensive approach.

The president of the Institute of Games and Casinos celebrated the joint work with the General Directorate of Schools and the Directorate of Mental Health of the province. “Minors cannot play on online platforms. game online. Everything that is being played is illegal platforms because the legal ones do not allow minors under 18 years of age. Precisely for this reason the game online,” said López.

The work that is being done together has among its objectives to raise awareness among the population. “In the Argentine Republic, dot-com gaming platforms are illegal,” explained the president of the Games and Casinos Institute and assured that “we need the population to also file complaints about each of these platforms.”

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For his part, the Minister of Education, Culture and Children, Tadeo García Zalazar, highlighted that the day in which the three powers of the State participated was very interesting and explained the need to have a lot of information about the problem so that parents and teachers can detect them. . “We have many inquiries from school directors, especially in teenagers between 14 and 16, 17 years old,” said Zalazar.

Regarding the actions that are being carried out, the minister said that “the first is a list of the pages that are being reported and every week we are going to block the servers of the schools in the province so that they cannot access those pages from public Wi-Fi. The second is some training and education sessions for both managers and teachers and we are going to involve parents and; The third is a platform to which parents, teachers and students will have access via the Internet for any type of consultation.”

In the most complex cases, in which an addiction to gameMental Health intervenes, which “is prepared with professionals to treat these specific problems,” the minister clarified.

Photo: Shutterstock.

The cases that concern the DGE

“Different types of queries have been generated, especially about virtual wallets or what are called virtual ATMs. They are the ones who lend money to young people. It is a problem where the cell phone, the credit so that they have data and the access to a credit card or a virtual wallet is always involved behind the scenes, has to be supervised by the father.”

Although there are still no provincial statistics on the situation among the teenagers and minors regarding the online betting Zalazar stated that they are working so that in July there is some qualitative data on the queries made by teachers and directors, about ages and what type of actions specifically are happening in school establishments. “What there is is a national survey that Sedronar does every year and that is quite worrying because it indicates that on the national average young people spend up to six hours in front of a screen, whether it is a cell phone or a computer, a Playstation or any technological device,” he explained.

Photo: Freepik.

In that sense, he added that there are ways to control access to technology that minors have. “There are parental control pages, there are some platforms that allow us parents to know how many hours and what type of pages a child has been playing on. That is also important for parents to know,” Zalazar reflected.

One of the objectives of the page that they will launch in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and the Institute of Games and Casinos is precisely access to information for adequate control of minors’ screen time. “What we are doing is a platform that sectorsizes information for parents, information for teachers, information for the Teenwhere they have to go and the alert systems to be able to see if we are in a situation of a game problematic and to prevent it from becoming something pathological,” explained the president of the Institute of Games and Casinos.

In addition, Zalazar highlighted the importance of reporting clandestine pages and stressed that the platform will recognize which pages are reported to block them on the servers so that when they are in the school environment with Wi-Fi, they cannot have access to those pages.

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