Crime for hire: alleged masterminds of the murder of a businessman shot on Route 5 near San Francisco de Mostazal fall

Crime for hire: alleged masterminds of the murder of a businessman shot on Route 5 near San Francisco de Mostazal fall
Crime for hire: alleged masterminds of the murder of a businessman shot on Route 5 near San Francisco de Mostazal fall

The Investigative Police (PDI) arrested three subjects allegedly involved in planning the murder of a 44-year-old businessman who was shot on March 21 while traveling on Route 5 Southnear the commune of San Francisco de Mostazal, in the O’Higgins Region.

On that occasion, it was reported that the driver of a truck received a series of shots while traveling on the aforementioned highway at kilometer 63, heading south. On that occasion, according to Carabineros, witnesses indicated that the attackers were traveling on a motorcycle.

After the crime, the Public Ministry ordered that the Homicide Brigade (BH) of the PDI Rancagua will carry out the investigative procedures for the case. After the examinations carried out by personnel from this unit and the PDI Regional Criminalistics Laboratory, it was established that the businessman died. due to various ballistic impacts in the cranial and cervical region, which were carried out from a motorcycle that was positioned next to the truck that the victim was driving.

He subprefect Álex Zúñiga, head of the Cachapoal Provincial Prefecture, pointed out that “this investigative process begins with a multidisciplinary team at the site of the event (…) which culminates with hard work, whether with intelligence procedures and with this it is possible to establish the participation of three people who were arrested yesterday and made available to the Guarantee Court.”

In this regard, the subprefect indicated that the homicide would be a commissioned crime.

“They are the intellectual authors, above all one of them who was a partner of the deceased and the other two are the ones who participate with this person for the assignment,” said Zúñiga, specifying that the motive for the crime was of a economic, due to debts and businesses, which involved one of the accused with the victim.

Species seized in raids.

In that sense, the regional prosecutor of O’Higgins, Aquiles Cubillos, He stated that the investigation was carried out by the Criminal Analysis and Investigative Focus section together with the PDI and the cooperation of the Organized Crime and Homicide Team (ECOH).

“We have managed to determine the participation so far of three subjects: two women and a man in this homicideresulting in their arrest due to an order issued by the Barn Guarantee Court,” said Cubillos.

Among the tests carried out, the pursuer explained that review of cameras, call traffic and wiretappingwhich made it possible to identify the motive for the crime.

“This is ultimately about of a contract homicide, for economic motivations, where hitmen were hired to carry out this homicide and there would be the participation of two women and a man, who would be an associate of the victim,” he said.

Regarding the degree of participation, he explained that the detainees were the ones who planned the crime. “The material authors have not yet been determined.”, We are working on it. These are intellectual authors and yes there is a person who would have participated on the day of the eventsbut not as the direct author of the homicide,” he specified.

The operation to carry out the arrest of these subjects was carried out in simultaneous raids carried out in nine homes in different communes of the Metropolitan Region and where 120 PDI detectives participated. The operation allowed the seizure of species associated with other crimes, such as robberies, in addition to cocaine base and cocaine hydrochloride valued at 1.1 million pesos.

The detainees are of Chilean nationality. One of those arrested has a police record for various crimes and two of them were involved in various types of robberies. The Barn Guarantee Court decreed preventive detention for the accused for 120 days, a period in which the investigation will be extended.

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