The EBAU reaches a passing rate of 98.39%

Friday, June 14, 2024, 12:14

| Updated 2:12 p.m.

98.39% of the 1,540 Rioja students presented have passed the EBAU, which was held on June 3, 4 and 5 in La Rioja. This is a somewhat higher percentage than in the past, and is the third highest in the university entrance test (after those of 2020 and 2021), which has increased both the number of applicants and the grades after the pandemic. The average was 7,528, also slightly higher than the previous year.

The highest grade obtained at the EBAU in La Rioja has been Irene Virón, with a 9.95 (a 10 in Baccalaureate and a 9.875 in the compulsory phase). This student from IES Duques de Nájera in Logroño already has a defined goal, a double degree in Mathematics and Business Administration at the Polytechnic University of València.

Saúl Cuende, from IES Hermanos D’Elhuyar, will have a different fate, as he obtained the best grade of 9.88 in the compulsory phase (9.94 average for Baccalaureate and 9.916 final EBAU grade). Cuende aspires to study some engineering, although he is not clear about the branch, since in principle he planned to continue in Logroño with Mechanics, but the qualification obtained opens all doors for him.

Both Irene Virón and Saúl Cuende detail that English has been the subject that has lowered their grade in the university entrance test, and they emphasize that perseverance and organization from the first Baccalaureate class are key to obtaining these grades.

Deadline to claim

Students who are not satisfied with the first grade may request a second correction, which will be carried out by a specialist teacher different from the one who made the first one. The review dates are June 17, 18 and 19 until 2:00 p.m.

The final grade will be the arithmetic mean of the grades given by the two correctors.

If the difference in grades is two points or more, a third correction will be processed ex officio by a different teacher. The final grade will be the arithmetic average of the three grades.

The resolution with the final grades will be published on the Official Electronic Board (TOE) of the University of La Rioja.

The extraordinary call of the EBAU will take place on July 3, 4 and 5.

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