They work in Las Tunas to guarantee transportation for the summer

They work in Las Tunas to guarantee transportation for the summer
They work in Las Tunas to guarantee transportation for the summer

Las Tunas.- Workers from the Provincial Passenger and General Cargo Transportation Company, Cardinal Las Tunas, are working on the recovery and full maintenance of the two vessels that will provide services on the northern beaches of the province during the summer months.

After several years of operation, the equipment presented a visible state of deterioration in various technical aspects and aesthetic details; However, in the last few days the first and most complex part of the restoration process was completed.

Luis Enrique Arias Peña, director of the entity, said that it was possible to repair the hull of the BMP_150 boat, based on the accumulation of naval steel by the company’s management and that it will undergo a second stage to finalize details in the painting. the roof and the seats.

The other is practically repaired, Arias Peña added, because in 2023 it underwent extensive maintenance; Now only some technical errors from the previous stage in the water pump will be corrected and the shaft line will be taken to Nuevitas, in Camagüey, for certification.

Maritime activities are expected to begin on June 28, so actions are also being carried out at the docks of El Socucho and La Boca beaches, with the total repair of steel and cement columns, the replacement of defective metal elements and the placement of tires for the arrival of the boats.

Cardinal will guarantee an average of a dozen buses for transportation to the beaches of Puerto Padre, from the main municipality, from Tuesday to Sunday, leaving at the intermunicipal terminal to El Socucho; The leased ones will also offer the service with regulated prices, the manager assured.

Other means of transportation within the urban area will maintain the usual routes during the summer period, with emphasis on the route that includes the recreation areas of the Zoo and Amusement Parks, as well as the El Cornito farm and the Botanical Garden of Las Tunas. .


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