President Petro after the wave of violence in Jamundí and Cauca

President Petro after the wave of violence in Jamundí and Cauca
President Petro after the wave of violence in Jamundí and Cauca

03:31 PM

While President Gustavo Petro was in Sweden talking about “world peace,” a terrorist attack occurred in Jamundi, Valle del Cauca, which left around 6 people injured. This aroused strong criticism from Governor Dilian Francisca Toro, who sent a message to the head of state about the importance of facing what is happening in this region.

“As I have proposed, on different occasions, the central government must lead the articulation of a comprehensive intervention in the Pacific Colombian supporting the Police and the Army with an increase in strength and logistics“said Toro.

Find out: While Petro is in Sweden, the governor of Valle made a strong claim to him for the country’s security

Now, the Colombian president spoke regarding the public order situation and the turbulent times that the southwestern part of the country is experiencing, indicating that “We have a region in trouble, not the country,” also referring to Cauca.

“We are at war with the Central General Staff in western Colombia, exactly in Cauca and in the south of Valle del Cauca. “They are at war with us and we are attacking where it hurts most, where they get the money.”said the president.

“Anyone uses drones, they are sold in the supermarket and the drone has a mechanism that can launch explosives from the air. “There are also ways to destroy drones and prevent a drone from dropping an explosive,” he pointed out.

Read also: Intense harassment of dissidents at the Police station in the rural area of ​​Cajibío, Cauca

In Cauca, the harassment of dissidents against the Public Force and the civilian population persists, who were victims this June 14 of an attack on a Police substation in the township El Carmelo, in the municipality of Cajibío.

The front Jaime Martinez of the Central General Staff He would have used explosives, rifle rounds, among other high-range devices to cause greater damage.

Continue reading: From Sweden, Petro condemned the attack in Jamundí: “EMC is once again doing what they know how to do: killing humble townspeople”

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