They are desperately searching for a missing 5-year-old boy in Corrientes: he went out to look for oranges in the mountains and did not return

They are desperately searching for a missing 5-year-old boy in Corrientes: he went out to look for oranges in the mountains and did not return
They are desperately searching for a missing 5-year-old boy in Corrientes: he went out to look for oranges in the mountains and did not return

Loan, the 5-year-old boy missing in Corrientes for which the Sofia Alert was activated

Paraje Algarrobal, a small town in the town of 9 de Julio located a few kilometers from the provincial capital of Corrientes, is mobilized in the desperate search for Loan Danilo Peña, a 5 year old boy that this Thursday he left his grandmother’s house to look for oranges in the mountains after lunch and was not seen again. Given the urgency, during this Friday afternoon the Sofia Alert to promote the search for the minor.

According to local media, Loan He went in search of the citrus trees with three other minors and three adults.. The one who gave him permission was his father, since the elders in charge were family acquaintances.

“We don’t know what happened. All you have to do is search house by house., in case someone saw him and took him away. He did not know these roads, he is very small,” said María, Loan’s mother, in statements collected by Epoch.

The woman said that the group went about 2 kilometers from Loan’s grandmother’s house and, when they noticed his absence, they searched for him for about two hours before notifying the police. “Everyone came back scared because the baby disappeared,” she recalled. The same media indicated that the little boy is the youngest of eight siblings.

Loan, the 5-year-old boy missing in Corrientes for which the Sofia Alert was activated

Since his disappearance, About 200 police officers are working on the search operation., who search a radius of 8 kilometers, reported the chief commissioner of the Goya Regional Unit, Roque Báez. The police officer highlighted that it is an inhospitable area of ​​mountains and lagoons. The uniformed men are accompanied by dogs, horses and drones to try to find Loan.

In this context, this Friday they found about 3 kilometers from the missing minor’s grandmother’s house. a pair of sneakers that would be the ones Loan was wearing. Besides, The preventive delay of the three adults was established who accompanied him and a house located on National Route 123 was raided.

They say he grabbed a peeled orange and said ‘I’m going with my dad’, which was at a distance of at least two kilometers and is far for him. “Everything is a mountain area and he does not know this path,” said Loan’s mother in dialogue with Radio Two. And he added that “the only thing left is to search house by house.”

For the woman, “The baby could have gone to the side of the road, or someone found him and took him, because there is nothing else”.

They activated the Sofia Alert due to the disappearance of Loan, 5 years old

I don’t let him walk on the street. “This is the first time he came to grandma’s house,” she concluded.

The Ministry of National Security, upon the issuance of the Sofia Alert, reported that “Loan is a boy with a dark complexion, thin, with brown eyes and short dark brown hair.”.

“At the time of his disappearance, He was wearing a black t-shirt with pink letters that said ‘Messi’, long black pants and green sneakers.. The minor measures approximately 80 centimeters and has a scar located in the crown of his head.”

On the other hand, the portfolio led by Patricia Bullrich “requests the entire community for its maximum attention and collaboration in the search” and highlighted that “any relevant information can be communicated to line 134”.

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