It is urgent to strengthen structures of the UJC in Ciego de Ávila – Televisión Avileña

It is urgent to strengthen structures of the UJC in Ciego de Ávila – Televisión Avileña
It is urgent to strengthen structures of the UJC in Ciego de Ávila – Televisión Avileña

The main internal indicators of the work of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) in Ciego de Ávila, as well as the actions planned for its strengthening, were at the center of the discussions this Wednesday, during the plenary session of the organization’s Provincial Committee.

At the meeting, Nailyn Machado Ávila, first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the UJC, updated those present about the state of militancy and grassroots structures, which show a marked decrease in the last five months.

According to the report presented by the youth leader, the province had 18,957 militants at the end of May, 2,906 less than in December 2023, which represents a decrease of 15.32 percent of its ranks.

On the other hand, the organization’s base structures were reduced by 10.82 percent between December of the previous year and May 2024, when only 1,334 of the 1,496 existing at the end of 2023 were counted.

This means that, in five months, three out of every 20 Avilanian militants stopped belonging to the organization, and one out of every 10 base structures disintegrated.

At the meeting it was also reported that 347 young people were selected to join the ranks of the Communist Party of Cuba, a figure that, although insufficient, is above the country’s average.

For his part, Yasmani Rodríguez La Rosa, member of the National Bureau of the UJC, reported on the update of the Strategy to strengthen the integral role of the UJC in the present and future of the country, and pointed out some of the deficiencies found, such as delays in contributions and the functioning of grassroots committees.

Rodríguez La Rosa insisted on the urgency of greater involvement of young people in agricultural tasks, the professional growth of new scientists and innovators, and the strengthening of the Youth Technical Brigades.

In addition, he called for systematic attention to be given to young prisoners in the province, a particularly vulnerable sector, which the UJC should not overlook.

Arabey Gómez Sosa, member of the Provincial Committee and deputy director of the Ángel del Castillo Agramonte school, in the municipality of Majagua, valued the role of educational centers as conducive spaces for the early identification of new militants.

Hanoi Castro Reyes, a medical student, warned that the province is experiencing an increase in early pregnancies and infections of sexually transmitted infections, making it imperative to increase health promotion actions, and pointed out his experiences in the Choose You project, coordinated by the Martiano Youth Movement and the Youth for Life Network.

At the end of the session, Disley López Acosta, head of the Organization Department of the Provincial Committee of the Party, asked the young people present to think creatively about how much more can be done, and propose solutions to the main problems facing society.

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