The Bases Law and horror images

The Bases Law and horror images
The Bases Law and horror images

The megalomaniacal president once again portrayed himself as a gigantic lionAt his feet they throw their paws like tiny baby lions, thousands of them, perhaps greeting that book that the giant holds in his claws and says on its cover “Bases Law”. It is an image designed by Artificial Intelligence to artificially replace the people who do not cheer him in the streets because of that percentage that continues to support him – and that is already 9 points away from those who do not believe him at all – Javier Milei pushes them from sacrifice to the house (if they have one) and from the house to sacrifice (because at this point of precariousness, I don’t even work anymore).

The megalomaniacal president knows how to isolate his voters in his network of images that offer both fantasies, terror and cruelty. Images ready to share on networks and find those who love them endless sequences of gassed faces, of desperate screams, of police like robots pushing retired men and women, street vendors, brutally arresting and with no other criterion than to spread terror, To anybody. A musician, a lawyer, a history teacher, three Usam students; the list goes on.

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The Senate approved the Bases Law between negotiations and already known defections. Caste, that word with a ubiquitous meaning to the point of exhaustion, was celebrating. The government that made it fashionable to accuse anyone and no one of being “caste” – without going any further, they embraced Patricia Bullrich for her plan to generate street terror -, They finally understood what the word was about and now they use it to fulfill their pornographic dreams of power, eugenics, exclusion, extractivism and servitude to colonialism.

What happened on Wednesday in Congress, when the square was emptied of protesters as if it were being razed, is a repetition of history as satire, a grotesque metaphor of what economic power, US imperialism and murderous soldiers planned in 1976: annihilate the popular and revolutionary organization, political consciousness and the desire for justice to impose an economic model made to concentrate wealth in very few hands. But above all to take away the right of the vast majority to participate in the profits. As if wealth were generated by capital and work was just a cost.

That economic plan now comes in the form of a Base Law and now they did not need 30 thousand missing men and women, a million exiles, thousands of murders and political prisoners because that work was already done by the dictatorship 48 years ago. We are missing a generation. On Wednesday afternoon, like other times, but also like never before because it was and is extremely cruel, what they intended was to annihilate the social protest.

The methods are the same as always: first dehumanize. Lefties, coup plotters, terrorists (also poor people or impoverishers, cockroaches, orcs, failures…) Then criminalize. A hunt for people who are now being held by a federal court accused of non-existent crimes that would violate institutions.

The writing of Carlos Stornelli, the prosecutor who requests that the sedition be investigated, exactly follows the script that was proposed from that non-existent Office of the President and from two friendly newspapers, Clarín and Nación. He cites these sources and they seem to him enough suspicion to keep people detained who were simply demonstrating, many were not even that, they were selling empanadas. Empty words, distanced from the facts as much as the people distance themselves from the images of Artificial Intelligence.

Neither coup d’état, nor terrorists, nor a “violent Argentina that burns cars” – as Victoria Villarruel said almost smiling when she broke the tie vote in the Senate -; What was in the square was a people making use of their inalienable right to protest, that political school that Wednesday’s repressive actions and their judicial consequence on men and women who remain detained, many of them already in penal units, seek to demonize . Thus, based on the fear that they instill because anyone can fall under the gases or prison without cause, they can continue to spread celebrations of artificial lions that worship a megalomaniac president, a non-existent lion that walks around the world while here it offers hunger and sacrifice for the majority.

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