Destroys in Congress: Villarruel asked to be a plaintiff, denounced an “attack against democracy” and targeted the opposition

Destroys in Congress: Villarruel asked to be a plaintiff, denounced an “attack against democracy” and targeted the opposition
Destroys in Congress: Villarruel asked to be a plaintiff, denounced an “attack against democracy” and targeted the opposition

Victoria Villarruel with Javier Milei on May 25 (REUTERS)

The vice president Victoria Villarruel, In her capacity as president of the Senate, she denounced before Judge María Servini as “an attack against the exercise of democracy” what happened on the outskirts of Congress during the treatment of the Bases Law project, and pointed to an alleged “coordination” between the excesses and the opposition’s attempts to suspend the debate. That’s why he asked accuse those responsible and investigate which political organizations they belong to.

“The events that occurred on June 12, 2024 have meant an excess beyond the limits of the right to protest and would directly constitute an attack against democracy. Due to the above, it is imperative to access a process that allows the investigation of the truth that identify facts and motivations behind acts of vandalism, that attacked the democratic exercise of government and individualized each of those responsible for what happened,” he stated.

And he demanded “the individualization of the human persons involved in order to merit their participation and responsibility, criminal and civil, in the events reported and if they are part of social, municipal, union groups, as well as political groups that could be related to the opponents of the law finally discussed, whose objective, through violent actions against things and people, was clearly to prevent the normal development of legislative activity.”

In a letter that arrived at the judge’s office Maria Servini While the 33 detainees were being investigated for what happened on Wednesday when the Bases Law project, promoted by the Government, was being debated in the Upper House, Villarruel, together with the director of the Senate’s legal area, presented himself as plaintiff “because the Honorable Senate of the Nation was particularly and directly affected.”

One of the cars set on fire during protests over the bases law around Congress

This is the situation analogous to the one that Cristina Kirchner was involved in in the case investigating the attack on Congress when the agreement between the Government and the IMF in 2022 was being analyzed in the Chamber of Deputies. At that time, the then vice president released a video where he showed how stones had broken his office, along with another part of the facilities. At that time, Judge María Eugenia Capuchetti had had the former president as a plaintiff, but the Federal Chamber annulled that decision and it was the Senate itself, through its advisors, that promoted the file as an injured individual.

Here Villarruel reviewed that on Wednesday while the debate was taking place in the Upper House “in the full democratic exercise of Legislative work, various people allegedly members of social groups, unions and protesters in general, gathered in the vicinity of the Plaza de los Two Congresses rejected said project” and “as the parliamentary debate advanced, in the early hours of the afternoon, riots began in the vicinity” of the premises. For the vice president, the excesses “would have no other objective than the interruption of the democratic exercise of the Legislative Power.”

“It is striking, the synchronicity of the violent events that occurred outside the H. Senate of the Nation with the attempts to suspend the session in the room where the law was being discussed, a situation that can be accredited on page. 79 of the accompanying stenographic version of the Special Public Session. Among the extremely serious events that occurred, we can mention the large number of people who threw blunt elements (stones, tiles, etc.) against the buildings, against the personnel of the security forces, throwing incendiary and/or explosive elements (presumably bombs). molotov, incendiary spear), they proceeded to set fire to at least two vehicles, one of which was parked in front of the Senator Alfredo Palacios Annex building, belonging to this Honorable Senate of the Nation,” he stated.

There were more than 30 detainees due to the destruction (Jaime Olivos)

And he stressed: “Without a doubt they could be considered an attack on the free exercise of the constitutional powers of the Honorable Senate of the Nation, which are an essential part of the development of democratic and republican life.” The vice president promised to present shortlythe film records of each of the chambers located throughout the perimeter of the Honorable Senate of the Nation, “We will also proceed to prove the damage to buildings, goods and/or objects, their economic valuation, as well as the tasks that must be carried out to repair them.”

The running mate of Javier Milei spoke of the crimes of “aggravated damage, malicious damage, public intimidation, incitement to collective violence, organization or membership in groups whose objective is to impose their ideas or combat those of others by force or fear, crimes against public powers and “the constitutional order and disturbance of order in sessions of legislative bodies.”

The vice president cited the background of the disturbances that occurred in Congress when the treatment of the agreement with the IMF in 2022 occurred, which is before the Federal Oral Court 2. At that time the defendants requested the suspension of the evidentiary trial. Villarruel quoted the prosecutor’s words Diego Luciani, “a criterion that we share absolutely”. There it was stated: ‘”it is essential to hold an oral and public debate, to determine what has happened and what were the reasons behind the acts of vandalism, which exceed the scope of the protest and constitute an attack against democracy. It emphasizes the importance of the trial for society, the publicity of its content, the debate of the factual and legal circumstances and the declaration of responsibility.”

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