Voluntary blood donors recognized on Isla de la Juventud

Voluntary blood donors recognized on Isla de la Juventud
Voluntary blood donors recognized on Isla de la Juventud

Nueva Gerona, June 14 (ACN) In the context of the Day for the World Blood Donor Daythey recognized today in Isle of Youth to women and men who stand out in the noble and selfless act of saving human lives.

In accordance with the date set by the World Health Organization 20 years ago to thank this altruistic gesture, it was announced at the municipal event that in 2024 a number of 991 extractions will be recorded, necessary in emergency surgical interventions, treatments and plasmapheresis, with the purpose of extending the life expectancy of those in need of this benefit.

I made my first donation while I was in the Military Service. He was 19 years old, Pinero Roberto Smith told the Cuban News Agency, who was waiting in the waiting room of the Blood Bank for the moment to donate, at his side Carlos Andrés Fernández, who has been a donor for 27 years, now of plasma and with O negative blood group, one of the rarest.

For his part, Adrián Matos assured that, for him, donating blood means fulfilling one’s life because, during the illness of his mother, who suffered from leukemia for four years, anonymous people contributed in solidarity to alleviate her illness and prolong her existence. Now he intends to reciprocate that generous gesture.

It was learned that the municipal Blood Bank still requires greater collaboration from suitable people with blood groups 0-, A-, B- and AB-, which are very scarce and necessary on Isla de la Juventud and not always available. Stable coverage for urgent cases that require it.

In Cuba, voluntary blood donation is one of the indicators of the functioning of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, a commitment that is repeatedly fulfilled and exceeded and constitutes a guarantee in this municipality so that the main secondary care medical institution has the support of that vital element for those who need it.

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