In one year, Valledupar only reduced its labor informality rate by 2%

In one year, Valledupar only reduced its labor informality rate by 2%
In one year, Valledupar only reduced its labor informality rate by 2%

The city of Valledupar remains in painful second place among Colombian capitals for its labor informality rate, which for the February-April 2024 quarter was 60.1%, almost four percentage points above the national average (56.3 %).

That is, 6 out of every 10 people employed in the capital of Caesarea do not have all working conditions guaranteed, from not receiving enough money for survival, to decent access to health and the possibility of contributing to a pension, among other aspects. .

This informality rate only decreased 2.5% compared to what was recorded in the same quarter, but in 2023, when the percentage was 62.6%.


These data are published by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), which measures this phenomenon taking into account both the companies where independents work, as well as those where there are jobs for employees and even those that do not receive financial remuneration. , depending on the entity.

Valledupar is only surpassed in this matter by the city of Sincelejo, with 69.6%. Third place is occupied by Cúcuta (59.9%) and fourth by Riohacha (59.6%), which managed to reduce the percentage recorded the previous year by more than 7 points.

It is necessary to remember that the annual unemployment rate in Valledupar for the month of April was 13.3%, which represents a drop in recent times. However, although there are fewer unemployed people, the majority of these jobs are informal.


According to a study published by the Javeriana University on informal transportation in Valledupar, motorcycle taxi predominates as one of the activities of this system, arguing that informality is more manifest in developing countries.

This can be explained by the institutionalist theory that “refers to the concentration of small productive units, related to operating from the need for subsistence that only allows offering low-quality jobs,” according to the research.

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