the three streets that separate it from its classic, the colors by the railway and the place occupied by the great Pallaroni

Pocito is celebrating the birthday of Athens Club. On June 14, 1922, Juan José Pérez founded the institution on 14th Street. A review of its history: the 4 kilometers that separate it from its rival, the colors along the railway and the place occupied by the great Pallaroni.

102 years of history. Juan José Pérez was the leader of a group of neighbors who joined forces and will to create the club. An institution that did not have a hard time choosing the colors, since it was because of the ‘dyes’ that the railway had at that time. “Juan José was the first president, they started the club and each one who passed contributed their grain of sand”said Vicente Mancuso, its president since 2012. “Athens is my life, I saw generations pass by. This club belongs to the family”he continued.

Atenas has 2,047 members and was established in the vicinity of Boulevard San Martin, without number, La Rinconada, Pocito. There, and when the neighbors worked for the club to be founded, They quickly found the nickname because of some plantations that adorned the area: sunflowers.


“One of the achievements that marked us the most was in 2013 when we were promoted to Argentino B in Catamarca. That was not the best, but that allowed us to play in the Argentine Cup,” Mancuso referred to, to which he also recalled that the semifinal was epic, since they could not concentrate due to lack of hotel. “When we went to play the semi in Chilecito, La Rioja, there was a transportation stoppage. We were able to get one, but it was a tourist weekend and for that same reason it was also complicated for us to stay in a hotel, we couldn’t get one. We had to split up. in three hotels.

We have six titles: 2 being champions and 2 as super champions, an AFA championship and another of the Pocito Cup

Athens is synonymous with Luis Pallaroni. The Pocitano coach gave a lot to the club that identifies him and Vicente Mancuso pointed him out as “his right hand man” in the club: “We both work so that Atenas does well at the top and in its minor categories. Pallaroni is Atenas.”


Finally, Mancuso referred to his classic Aberastain: “The games were always tough. We have a very good relationship between leaders, but the fans always experience it more intensely. That’s the folklore of football. Imagine that only 4 kilometers separate us. They are on 11th Street and we are on 14th Street. “hill.


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