Father of the day | Column by Julio César Henríquez |

Father of the day | Column by Julio César Henríquez |
Father of the day | Column by Julio César Henríquez |

Father’s Day can be every day. What if every day we chose the father of the day? Would ours be at the top of the global ranking of inspiring parents? The issue would not be about what they have done or failed to do, we should value the greatest legacy that any inhabitant of the planet can give: Existence. We live thanks to them.

Although it is a special date for gratitude, celebration and recognition of those who positively influence the consolidation of the character, temperament and personality of their descendants, offering hugs, gifts, calls, a good message or evoking them by honoring their memory, It says a lot about who we are. The good son is naturally a better father. That is demographic evidence.

Demography is the science that statistically studies the flows and data on how the population evolves in different places on the globe. Its importance is not transcendental only to know the dimension, structure and general characteristics of the human race. It allows us to analyze where we are going as a species and what issues should occupy the priorities of the collective conscience.

Every day brings great challenges to parenting. It is estimated that by 2064 the world population will reach 9.7 billion people, while the fertility rate will reduce to 1.7 children per woman in the year 2100. This shows that this century will pose great challenges if the aging of the population is added. : The key is responsibility. Today we can choose the father of the day.

The father of the day is the one who, every 24 hours, gives his children the highest level of affection required and demonstrated with the provision, security, advice, company and motivation to follow the example of his sayings and actions, by being a model or reference of the training process of people with a high sense of duty and the usefulness of the values ​​that define individual and collective identity.

They are the kings of the house dressing as heroes, filling princesses and princes with love in the universal kingdom of the family that recognizes them as a guide, banner, emblem and seal of the surname, creator of an inspiring and exemplary brand for those who carry the extension of their citizenship. Its letters are the quantifying numbers of nobility inspired by responsible, self-sacrificing, accommodating and respectful parenthood of the noble purpose that has been given to them by creation and nature.

Thank you for giving your best every morning: That changes the world. It’s fundamental. May every third Sunday in June be the father of the day. Happy Father’s Day!


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