The life of an actor is very hard, not only in Córdoba

The life of an actor is very hard, not only in Córdoba
The life of an actor is very hard, not only in Córdoba

–What did your time at the school for priests leave you? Memories or aftermath?

–A handful of friends in life, the joy of having found the vocation for acting and the certainty that priests, not even in painting.

–What would you say to a parent who wants to send their child to a denominational school?

–If you want your son to leave that blessed school, disbelieving in almost everything related to faith and religion, just send him.

–If instead of having gone to that school they had sent you to another one, what would you talk about in your works?

–Surely of the shortcomings that I would have detected in that school, it was always more inspiring for me to write about what is missing or wrong; and if I can do it with humor, much better.

–Why are you so interested in the Bible?

–Because it is a wonderfully written “fiction”; In fact, it is no coincidence that it is the best-selling book in the history of humanity.

–You wanted to be a classical dancer. Did you get to practice anything? Did you buy those sneakers?

–No, please, I never wanted to be, if I have been unable to dance anything since birth. I only ever said that if God came down to earth, which is quite likely, and asked me: “Dear one, what do you want me to turn you into right now?”, I would answer him and without hesitation: a classical dancer. I want to clarify that this crazy desire is directly linked to my childhood and it is because my mother was a dancer and in the house where I grew up she had a dance academy. Since I was little, I spent hours next to her watching her teach classes; and from that time until today, that nostalgia remained with me.

–As a footballer, where would you have arrived?

–Impossible to know, because from a very young age I changed the courts for the boards. But in order to imagine, I imagine playing for Boca de Bianchi and, like a good “5″, I visualize myself recovering, but also throwing down walls and some other assistance, so that Juan Román, the Mellizo or the Titan can calmly define.

–You were your brother’s partner in a clothing factory. Was he patient with you?

–Too much, a crack “El Negro”, because that was the closest thing to a rehearsal room of the different works that I did in those years; But luckily, for him and for me, one day I decided not to work for anything other than as an actor and I really had something like 10 very bad years economically speaking, but I never left the profession for a minute. Today, from a distance, I realize that they were essential years for my training.

–Why don’t you like studying theater?

–No, quite the opposite, I love studying. In fact, every day I watch, read, write, adapt, rehearse and, above all, do theater. Imagine: I just finished the first season of The MessiahI’m about to replace Beyond the Sea and The illuminated and brand new The dream of the fakers, The importance of water in navigation and A 44 magnum. And this, without a doubt, is for me the best school of all, because it never ends and above all because you never receive anything. But I’m self-taught, so I do all that, but I do it my way, like Frank Sinatra. It is also true that theater workshops have always bored me a lot and it is because they are more concerned with other issues than with training real actors; And I won’t even tell you the nonsense that theater theorists give me, which abound everywhere.

–Have you ever argued with a theater teacher?

–I didn’t even have time, because my time in the occasional theater workshop was very brief.

–What would you say to someone who is starting to do theater?

–There are more and more people starting and doing theater in Córdoba, which makes me very happy, but the reality is that almost all of these people do not make a living from acting. They live on something else; And the truth is, I can’t say anything to those people; But I am interested in sending some words to those who aspire to make a living from acting as their “first option”: I want to tell them that you have to be very brave, because the life of an actor is very hard, not only in Córdoba, anywhere in the world. I am convinced that you can only move forward when you have a “true vocation for the profession”, because you have to be willing to never have any type of job and, therefore, economic stability. But understanding this small difficulty, I assure you that you will get up every day of your lives to exercise the most beautiful job in the world.

–Are you tired of being asked “what’s happening with Los Modernos” all the time?


–What happens with The Moderns?

–I love that you ask me, hehehe. Today nothing happens, but in December Pedro comes from Spain, where he has been living for several years, and we are going to do a season in Córdoba and very beautiful things are going to happen there, “like every time we go on stage, to take from them, to steal from them a penalty, a Pierrot, a Harlequino, Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, no, a Uruguayan and an Argentinian”; because if there is something that makes us proud, it is that We Moderns have aged like hell artistically.

–How would you define Pedro Paiva?

–As a friend, but also as one of the most lucid and talented people I have met along this long path.

–How do you think he would define you?

–I think like a fine tormentor.

–Is it true that when you met, you had some wines? Do they ever not do it when they get together?

–It is true, and it was unforgettable because it was in the old and beloved Sorocaba and until very late, but it is also true that, years later, we presented a high-end wine in Mendoza and we drank wine all day, for several days in a row; and from then on Pedro became almost abstemious, so from that time on he left me no choice but to drink those wines for both of us.

–What is Córdoba for you?

–Everything, because I was born, I grew up, because my family and friends live here, but above all because it gave me the opportunity to develop artistically. And judging by the respect and affection I receive from people, I can say, with total humility, that in some way I feel like a prophet in my land.

–Does today’s Córdoba remind you of your time at school for priests?

–No, not at all, many years have passed and luckily we have evolved as a society.

–Have you ever felt like going to the bathroom in the middle of a play?

–It is impossible for that to happen to me, because as soon as I step on stage, I definitively enter another state and the physiological needs, any discomfort and even the most serious problems that I may have that day, disappear completely, during the exact time that the performance lasts. .

–Have you ever argued with someone from the audience?


–If you were commissioned to do a work about Milei, what would the title be?

-I would not accept the order.

–What do your children criticize you for?

–More than criticizing me, my children laugh at me all the time, because at home I live talking to myself and interpreting the scenes of the different characters while I study the texts.

–Are you still riding a bicycle?

–No, I changed my habit, now I walk.

–Are you a good cook?

–Not at all, but I make the best barbecues in the county.

–Fernet, wine or beer?

-Red. Always.

–Who would you like to work with on a piece that you have never been able to?

–With Mario Mezzacapo.

–Are there actors or directors with whom you would never work again?

-Yeah. Never more.

–You traveled with your works to several countries around the world: does any particular audience arouse more sympathy in you?

–The Mexican, a total delirium, we were Lennon and McCartney with Pelado.

–A play to recommend…

Urtainfrom the Spanish company Animalario, which has just been added to Teatrix.

-A book.

He who is thirstyby Abelardo Castillo.

-A movie.

We are all strangersby Andrew Haigh.

-A series.

peaky blinders.

-A place in the world.

-Córdoba and, right there, Paris.

–One (single) work by Ale Orlando. And why that choice.

My life with Robert, because I enjoyed like a child playing that man from Cordoba who triumphed in Hollywood and who was, among other things, the best friend of Marlon Brando (the only actor I love) and lover of Marilyn Monroe; I was lucky enough to play him for many years and obviously Robert Zander comes back from time to time, because Hollywood stars never die.

–Why was (and will be) necessary to see “The Messiah”?

–Because it presents politically incorrect humor and is super empathetic with the viewer, but at the same time the life story of María José is very moving, so not only are they going to laugh, but they are also going to be moved and they are also going to leave the audience. theater reflecting on the reality of the trans community in our city.

From selling beer to the world’s stages

Alejandro Orlando was born in Córdoba in 1969. He became known worldwide together with Pedro Paiva, with whom he has formed the duo Los Modernos since 2003. He excels in humorous theater and also in dramatic works.

Just finished the first season of The Messiah and is about to be replaced Beyond the Sea and The illuminatedand brand new The dream of the fakers, The importance of water in navigation and A 44 magnum.

He also remembers his beginnings, when, for example, he worked as a beer seller and did not stop trying the merchandise: “Unfortunately, that was my specialty and they were wonderful years, because I could make theater compatible with the sale of beer.” Mexican Sol. So, after the performances, I visited the bars and nightclubs of the city, taking great care of the product, but very little of my health, so with some pain – from my liver – I had to leave it.”

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