Jhonny Fernández: “I am sure that we will be a national government in 2025”

Jhonny Fernández: “I am sure that we will be a national government in 2025”
Jhonny Fernández: “I am sure that we will be a national government in 2025”

Jhonny Fernández, mayor of Santa Cruz de la Sierra de la Sierra and leader of Unidad Cívica Solidaridad (UCS) assures that they are already in the race, with the political structuring of the party, to take part in the 2025 presidential elections. He avoids talking about candidates, but expresses forcefully that they will reach the Government.

“I am sure that we are going to be a national government, remember Save this note. I am very sure. First, we have acronyms and that is something very important. There are many pre-candidates who talk about being the candidates at the national level and they don’t have an acronym, I don’t know how they are going to do it. Second, we have structure and we are strengthening it. Third, we are developing a Government plan, but one that the country needs. Fourth, then we are going to select the pre-candidates that this year we have to select for deputies and senators, and then we will see if we go alone or if we go in alliance,” he indicated, stating that his party is facing the work of political structuring and the plan of government.

The statement was made during an interview on the program ¡Qué Semana!, on EL DEBER Radio, where he was consulted about the statement he made recently, when he said: “in the next elections we will be in the Government.” It was during the event, in which his party celebrated, that the Electoral Court validated the initials of UCS.

According to Fernández, There has already been great mobilization on a national scale to project the government plan, but they have not yet defined who will be presidential. “We are preparing with everything (…) In October we are going to define whether we go alone or in alliance. There we are going to define who is going to be the candidate for president and vice president, which are the profiles we are seeing, but it will be in an assembly as appropriate,” he indicated.

He noted that this year is crucial for the political structuring and to establish a government plan.

If they go alone, will Jhonny be the candidate for president? was another of the queries made. In this regard, Fernández indicated that they plan conduct a national survey to see what people think and they will put “several names on the table” for the population to decide. The possibility of an alliance will also emerge from citizen consultation, but at this stage we must dialogue with all political organizations.

He said he hopes to finish his term as mayor, although only “God knows what will happen.” For now, he assures that he is dedicated to fulfilling his role as mayor and in his free time he dedicates himself to his activities as party leader of UCS.

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