When does spring start in Chile? This will last the winter

When does spring start in Chile? This will last the winter
When does spring start in Chile? This will last the winter

You do not like the cold? Know when spring arrives and also the increase in temperatures throughout the national territory.

By Cristian Latorre

06/15/2024 – 1:07 p.m. CLT


There are very few days left for one to say goodbye autumn which has been quite rainy and of low temperatures compared to previous years in Chile.

This is why the fans of high temperatures and of heat They generally look forward to the arrival of the spring to finally put away the sweatshirts and jackets.

When does spring start in Chile? This will last through the winter and the change of season

There cannot be spring without first experiencing what winter is like. According to reports from Meteored, The arrival of winter to the southern hemisphere of the planet will occur at 4:51 p.m. (UTC-4) on June 20.

Its end will occur during spring equinoxthat is to say, on September 22 at 09:43 h (UTC-3), giving way to the long-awaited spring in Chile.

Spring in Chile

Learn some curiosities of spring

  1. Nature Awakening: It is the time when many plants begin to bloom after winter dormancy. Trees sprout new leaves, and flowers such as tulips, daffodils, and cherry trees begin to show their vibrant colors.
  2. Bird migration: Many species of birds migrate during spring to warmer regions to nest and reproduce. This phenomenon is visible in many parts of the world, where large flocks of birds can be observed on the move.
  3. Seasonal allergies: Spring can be a difficult time for people who are allergic to pollen. As plants bloom, they release pollen into the air, which can trigger symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion.
  4. Rituals and festivals: Many cultures celebrate the arrival of spring with festivals and rituals. For example, the Hindu festival of Holi, known as the festival of colors, celebrates the arrival of spring with music, dance and the throwing of colored powder.
  5. Rapid growth: Plants not only flower, but also grow more rapidly during spring due to increased temperature and sunlight. This is a crucial time for agriculture, as many crops are planted and begin to grow in this season.


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