More than 3 thousand people from the municipalities of Córdoba participated in the Folkloric Parades

More than 3 thousand people from the municipalities of Córdoba participated in the Folkloric Parades
More than 3 thousand people from the municipalities of Córdoba participated in the Folkloric Parades


Córdoba was dressed in brightness and color for two consecutive days with the celebration of the Adult Folkloric Parade and the Children’s Folkloric Parade, events that are part of the traditional National Livestock Fair. Cordobans and tourists gathered in the streets to witness the colorful and crowded parades that exalt the rich Cordoba culture.

Representatives of the 30 municipalities of Córdoba brought the identity of the region to the National Livestock Fair through artistic expressions. This initiative of Governor Erasmo Zuleta Bechara and the social manager Valeria Vega seeks to preserve and celebrate the cultural legacy of Córdoba.

With each “juepa hee”, the echo of the drums, and the shouts of the crowd, more than 1,800 participants from all subregions of the department They joined the Folklore Parade last Thursday, presenting dances characteristic of their regions with typical costumes that radiated the joy and culture of each municipality.

The children also had their stellar moment, parading in groups along the streets of Montería. More than 1,200 small artists from various subregions shared their traditional dances in the Children’s Folk Parade, capturing the hearts and applause of the spectators who gathered along the route.

For the first time a representative fair

The Secretary of Culture of the Department played an important role in ensuring the participation of all delegations with their respective musical band, providing them with the transportation and logistics required by municipality.

“We are very happy to have achieved the participation of the municipalities that for the first time have this opportunity to participate in the events of the Livestock Fair. The adults gave a wonderful presentation with the representative dances of each region and the children who are part of the seedbeds in their municipalities shined in the Children’s Folk Parade,” he said. Heidy Torres, Secretary of Culture.


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