Pacífico goes for the pass against Independiente de Pico

Pacífico is 40 minutes away from reaching the semifinals for one of the promotions to the Argentine League, but the message after the great victory in General Pico against Independiente was clear: the objective has not yet been met and you have to leave everything to close the series in game II. That game will be this Sunday at 8 p.m. and the Dean will seek to celebrate in front of his people in Viejo Ramírez.

The 87-81 that Maxi Rubio’s team achieved at the start of the key left many positive aspects and very high numbers, especially in the shooting percentage. It is known that triples are keys for the Dean and if that area is good, the chances of victory are greater.

The quintet that comes from memory

The Neuquén quintet, which already comes from memory in these last matches, is more than reliable and if the role is shared, as happened in the Pampas city, even better. Lucas Romera, Marco Roumec, Lucas Villanueva, Sebastián Godoy Vega and Alex Soria make up that five that will surely start from minute zero to seek the second victory in the series. David Fric, Giuliano Sasso and Tomás Flehr are the options that also made decisive contributions in the national playoffs.

Opposite there is a team that is logically injured, but that knows what it means to win as a visitor. He did it clearly against Del Progreso, in Roca, and returns to the area with the same goal: to win and extend the definition for tomorrow. Nicolás Kalalo, Nicolás Henriquez, Joaquín Morandini and Jeffrey Merchant make up an interesting base and they know that with a couple of adjustments, they are in a position to return kindness in Neuquén.

There is tomorrow, but…

Pacífico, in an unbeatable position, arrives in good shape and that makes him a candidate. He will have to ratify it and not think about the eventual game on Monday, which would also be in Viejo Ramírez. The reality is that they are equal forces and that is why we will have to get the strategy right and limit errors. Whoever does so will have a good chance of securing victory.


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