Complicated removal of high voltage towers in Salk and Eje 122: SEDUVOP – El Sol de San Luis

The High voltage towers located in the Salk avenues and Axis 122 have represented a obstacle complicated for plays that are carried out there, “in the first route the problem has been solved easily, however, with regard to the alternative route, it has been complicated.”

This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Urban Development, Housing and Public Works, Leticia Vargas Tinajerowho described the retirement work as “a challenge” that is being carried out, “They are high voltage towers, which is not anything, and unfortunately it is necessary to move them”.

The state official He trusted that “in a period of a month or two we should be seeing the work involved in moving those towers.”all this would be left for the month of October.”

Despite the above, he considered that On the alternate route of Axis 122 there is good progress for the work which imply, “we have mounted several footings and there are already several columns raised, at the same time we are advancing with the section that is flat to be opening the box and housing the pavement structure.”

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At Salk we are also already making good progressHe said, “part of what was existing was already poured, it already has concrete and they are already working on the wing that had not been worked on for that it really remains as planned, entering through the ring road, with two lanes separated by a median”.

With regards to the Santiago River expansion worksstated that there is also good progress, “we are doing well, although There we have to hurry because of the approaching rainy season. and I hope now they come back strong.”

What we are doing now, explained the head of Seduvop, is opening the drawer to house the channel that is going to throw the Rainwater“at the same time we are working on the diversion of the river to let us workthere we have around 20 percent progress.”

He noted that This work aims to reinforce that area “to have several work fronts and move faster.”

Finally, questioned Regarding whether the aforementioned work will be ready for the report, Vargas Tinajero admitted that it was not“there are nine kilometers that need to be attended to, so apart from addressing the speed, these are very precise jobs.”

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