Special operation of the National Police for Father’s Day in La Guajira

Special operation of the National Police for Father’s Day in La Guajira
Special operation of the National Police for Father’s Day in La Guajira

With the aim of guaranteeing coexistence and citizen security during the celebration of Father’s Day, the National Police has deployed a special operation in the Department of La Guajira. This operation is part of the security trinomial strategy, which integrates the Police, the community and the authorities, working together to protect and serve citizens on this important date.

To prevent high-impact crimes and guarantee a peaceful celebration, all specialties of the Police service will be dedicated to carrying out various prevention and control activities. The following police plans such as checkpoints, installed at strategic points to guarantee citizen safety, control of establishments and inspections in bars, restaurants and other meeting places to ensure compliance with legal regulations, as well as registration of people and vehicles for routine verification in order to detect any suspicious activity and the road accompaniment plan for citizens on the main routes of the department.

In addition to the controls, recommendations are being provided to citizens and inviting them to celebrate Father’s Day with moderation, tolerance and peace.

The men and women of the National Police will have exclusive dedication to activities related to the tranquility and protection of residents and visitors in La Guajira.

The National Police calls on citizens to behave appropriately, since this commitment is vital for a safe and respectful celebration. The community is invited to use the emergency line 123 to report any event that affects the normal development of the celebration. A timely call can save lives.


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