Four-year residency to apply for municipal positions

Four-year residency to apply for municipal positions
Four-year residency to apply for municipal positions

The Chamber of Deputies took the first step to adapt the municipal regime to the mandate established by the Provincial Constitution, reformed in 2021, regarding the four-year residence time that must be had to run for mayor or councilor.

The project with half a sanction and which was reviewed by the Senate, modifies articles 46, paragraph 3 and 61 of Law 8126 Regime of Municipalities, to adapt the eligibility conditions of mayors and councilors to the provisions of the partial reform of the Constitution Provincial.

The author of the project, deputy David Leiva, explained on the premises that Law 8126, which reformed the Municipalities Law, was sanctioned in 2018, replacing Law 1349 of 1932.

Among the reforms introduced in 8126, the composition and duration of the Deliberative Council and the mayors, the mandates, were incorporated and defined, and were referred to what the Constitution of Salta expresses, with the exception of the time of residence, he explained.

Leiva noted that with the modification of article 46 inc. 3) of Law 8126 established that, to be a councilor, in accordance with article 172 of the Provincial Constitution, it is necessary to be a resident of the municipality with an immediate previous residence of four years or a native of the municipality.

Taking into account that the constitutional reform also establishes four years of residence to apply for the position of mayor, this requirement will now be established with the modification of article 61 of the municipal regime, he maintained.

“After the partial reform of the Provincial Constitution, the two articles of Law 8126, referring to the length of residence to apply for municipal positions – mayors and councilors – were in disagreement with the new wording of the Magna Carta, and with “We propose adaptation of this project,” the deputy stated.

During the debate, the head of the Finance Commission of the Lower House, Representative Patricia Hucena, highlighted the importance of the modification that is being promoted to adapt the residence time to apply for municipal positions to the constitutional text.

“It is our responsibility to seek the harmonization of existing laws and the modifications to the Law of Municipalities are necessary to align the Law with the latest constitutional reform, to avoid conflicts and to apply it uniformly,” said the representative for the department. Oran.

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