Virtual flowers in memory of the 1955 Bombing | Call for Human Rights organizations, 68 years after the attack

Virtual flowers in memory of the 1955 Bombing | Call for Human Rights organizations, 68 years after the attack
Virtual flowers in memory of the 1955 Bombing | Call for Human Rights organizations, 68 years after the attack

68 years after the bombing of the Plaza de Mayo by the armed forces that caused, on June 16, 1955, hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries, the Commission of Relatives of the Victims of the Bombing, the Commission of the Memory of the Bombardment and the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights launched a call that proposes accompanying each post linked to the reminder of the massacre with this virtual flower ⚘️.

“This Sunday, June 16, 2024, let’s leave a virtual flower ⚘️ in tribute posts to the victims of that atrocious crime perpetrated by the Navy and military aviation against the civilian population, bombing the government house and its surroundings, during a democratic government,” they called from the human rights organization that is the plaintiff in the case that insists that the episode be investigated as a crime against humanity.

On June 16, 1955 “there was an attempted coup d’état against the government of Juan Domingo Perón, which produced an unprecedented massacre in our country and in the world,” noted the APDH within the framework of the call for virtual tribute. . “The national forces cowardly unloaded tons of bombs and shrapnel on their own people, causing hundreds of deaths and thousands of maimed and injured people,” they added. “It’s simple, I shared the flyer, like it or make your flyer. If you are a group, association, foundation, human rights organizations, you can add your logo to the flyer. Let’s keep the memory active,” added the Bombing Memory Commission.


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