What are the obstacles to accessing a job?

What are the obstacles to accessing a job?
What are the obstacles to accessing a job?

Although the industry’s profitability is sometimes read as a gold mine for those looking for work and good salaries, Troncoso clarified that the spillover is not so linear for candidates. “The market is very dynamic, competitive and increasingly demanding. That is to say, they are looking for professionals ready to work,” he said in an interview with LMNeuquén.

This way, Although job searches are multiplying, they are often focused on people already trained in very specific activities, Therefore, they are not open to the general public or those who are willing to train but do not have previous experience in that role.

“Many jobs, especially in industries such as energy and oil, require specific skills and certifications that not all candidates possess.”. That is, the gap between the training offer and the demands of the labor market can be a significant obstacle,” said Troncoso.

He added, as another obstacle, the competition that exists to access jobs that are very desirable due to their high remuneration. “The high demand for positions in attractive sectors, such as oil and fruit growing, generates strong competition and this makes the selection processes increasingly demanding,” he stated.

Finally, he assured that mobility and transportation are an obstacle that can make access to employment difficult. Although this factor is not usually taken into account, there are candidates who are left out of a job opportunity because they do not have their own mobility and the area to be covered does not have public transportation options that fit that work routine. “The geographic dispersion and transportation infrastructure in the area can make it difficult to access certain workplaces,” she clarified.

How to be ready for a job interview

Troncoso clarified that the labor market is constantly increasing its demands and even those who have the specific skills that a company requires must face strong competition from other candidates with a similar profile. In this scenario, he assured that polishing soft skills – and demonstrating it in a job interview – can make the difference between accessing a job or not.

“There are several ways to better prepare for job interviews, and although there are many tips or advice when searching for a job, what I recommend is to research the company, learn about the position for which I applied or will be interviewed, prepare questions and answer them, such as: Can you tell me about yourself? Why do you want to work here? What are your strengths and weaknesses? Where do you see yourself in five years? Why should we hire you?” Troncoso clarified.

“These are typical questions that perhaps could be asked of a candidate, the important thing here is not the question, but how I as a candidate respond to them. The important thing in these aspects is to show calmness,” he said and added: “Something that is also “Personal presentation and Non-Verbal Communication are important. Finally, something not minor and super important: attitude determines everything. Attitude will perhaps make the difference from other possible candidates.”

One of the most complicated moments during job interviews revolves around the question about the intended remuneration. The Human Resources specialist assured that it is one of the topics for which he receives the most queries, since many are afraid of saying a number that is much lower than what is paid or asking for a very high remuneration and being left without the position.

“It is one of the main questions I always receive when we talk about employability. I recommend that before any interview, you investigate the salary ranges for the position you are applying for in the Alto Valle region,” he said and added: “Something that can help are salary reports and networks of contacts in the industry to get an idea of ​​what is reasonable to ask for, as well as consulting firms in the region,”

“On the other hand, I suggest that being flexible and open to dialogue is key, as expressing willingness and interest and knowing more about the total compensation package, which may include additional benefits such as bonuses, insurance, and professional development opportunities,” he said. .

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