Distributed generation plans to contribute 845 megawatts during the summer › Cuba › Granma

Distributed generation plans to contribute 845 megawatts during the summer › Cuba › Granma
Distributed generation plans to contribute 845 megawatts during the summer › Cuba › Granma

The distributed generation of the National Electrical System (SEN) during the summer will be oriented in two directions: contributing to maintaining the lowest possible levels of impact on daily service and operating in circumstances of tropical storms, according to what its director, Arles Luna Leiva, told Granma.

Among the 560 diesel groups and the 400 fuel oil-based ones, he specified that the delivery planned for July and August reaches the figure of 845 megawatts (MW), reserved mainly for night hours, as continuity of a strategy put into practice by the Union Electrical (UNE).

They highlight repetitive breakdowns in various places in the country and, in response, cyclical maintenance of up to three days and prolonged capitals between ten and 15, with the aim of avoiding massive damage.

However, the availability of resources for the summer decreased compared to the previous ones, as illustrated by the 163 diesel machines that were out of date in terms of their maintenance cycles, said Luna Leiva.

The main interventions at diesel sites consist of changing oil filters, in the generator, the panel and the calibration of the engines, he detailed. Meanwhile, the fuel ones receive the main interventions in the injection systems and combustion chambers.

Regarding operation in tropical storm conditions, distributed generation, he detailed, will prioritize the vitality of local services such as health centers, water supply and others of great importance to the population.

These climatic events affect the transmission lines, and the generating sets create isolated systems or microsystems to maintain a minimum essential level of such activities, the manager explained.

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