250 days waiting for an operation

250 days waiting for an operation
250 days waiting for an operation

Monday, June 17, 2024, 08:51

The festivities of San Barnabas continue to feed our Reader’s Telephone. In addition, citizens present their complaints in relation to one of the star problems: the health situation in La Rioja. They couldn’t miss a thank you and a rejection.

  1. St. Barnabas program delayed

We begin the section today with a call from a resident of Logroño who claims that she has received the San Bernabé program that is usually mailed to homes in the capital of Rioja on June 12, that is, once the holidays have passed. “I live on Ronda de los Cuarteles street and this seems absurd to me,” she concludes.

  1. Program events that are not held

We continue with another complaint about the past celebrations of San Barnabas in Logroño. A reader calls to say that she went to one of the events that appeared on the holiday program, specifically a concert by La Orden de la Terraza scheduled for June 12 at the Fundación Caja Rioja center on Gran Vía. «Despite Although there were quite a few people waiting at the door, no one showed up and no one was notified in any way that it was not going to be held. We were waiting on the street from 6:40 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. and called several places to try to get information. It would have been appreciated if someone apologized for the error or, at least, warned with a sign on the door so as not to waste the time of the public, mostly older people,” concludes the woman.

  1. 250 days waiting for an operation

From Logroño, a communicator wants to show his dissatisfaction with the functioning of the Riojan health system. He claims to have been waiting for a surgical intervention for 250 days “without much complication.” «I keep calling the San Pedro Hospital and showing up there to ask, but no one gives me a solution to my problem. I don’t know if it’s a lack of personnel, doctors or what, but I give a zero to the Riojan health system,” he says.

  1. More criticisms for the Emergency Service

And from the Emergency Service of the San Pedro Hospital, a woman calls who reports that she has been waiting for more than four and a half hours for her 82-year-old father to be treated by a doctor without having seen anything other than the classification staff, especially when you have been referred there directly by your GP. «If we need more health professionals, let them hire them, there are many and very good ones, but there is no right for people to be treated like this, especially in the case of the elderly. It is a shame that we have this public health system,” declares this reader.

  1. Thanks to the Library staff

Another reader calls to praise the staff of the La Rioja Library. She assures that they are “lovely people, very correct and very polite.” Said remains.

  1. Against the event of Tricio’s cats

We end with a call that comes from Alfaro in which a woman wants to express her total disgust at the event that occurred a few days ago of the dismemberment of cat puppies in the town of Tricio. She assures that it is a case of “extreme sadism and that, since she considers that” it is difficult for the security forces and bodies to find the authors of these events, she hopes that karma will act in justice against these people, ” concludes.

Do you have a complaint? A protest? A thank you?

  • Answering machine:

    Leave your message at 941 279105

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    Leave your text (or a voice message) at 690 879609, indicating that it is for El Telephone del Lector

  • The Chili Pepper

    If your complaint comes with a photo, you can also send it to us at 690 879609, or by email to [email protected]

Billboards not removed since May 26 in Juan XXIII

At the intersection of Juan XXIII and Presidente Calvo Sotelo streets in Logroño there are a couple of fences that have not been removed since May 26, explains a reader who assures that “they are not the only ones.” More than three weeks have passed since the City Council deposited them there to temporarily cut crosses and no one from the service park has collected them.

The rules of The Reader’s Telephone

  • To facilitate

    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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