Why isolated tribes in the Amazon use the internet and mobile phones if they want to preserve their culture

Why isolated tribes in the Amazon use the internet and mobile phones if they want to preserve their culture
Why isolated tribes in the Amazon use the internet and mobile phones if they want to preserve their culture
  • Security within the Brazilian jungle is increasingly complex

  • Being connected to the world offers them a sense of security

A few days ago we commented on the problems generated by an isolated tribe of the Amazon who had decided to approach the Starlink and Elon Musk internet with fateful consequences for their culture. It is relatively easy for someone, faced with ignorance of their situation, to believe that it is sensible to resort to the typical “who thought of it?” and turn the page on the problem. It would be a serious mistake.

Already then we commented that, a large part of the intention of that tribe when it came to connect to internet via satellite, was able to alert emergency services when a member of the community was in danger after, for example, being bitten by a poisonous snake. But isn’t that a danger they have been facing for hundreds of years? Is it really worth the risk of breaking their isolation? The thing is, their problems go far beyond snake attacks.

Why the isolated tribes of the Amazon have internet and mobile phones

For some time now, especially after the awakening of the Brazilian government regarding the exploitation of the Amazon, all the tribes that live in it have been forced to be seen to a greater or lesser extent. The fear and possibility that at some point they will disappear without a trace, and without anyone knowing until months later, is not far-fetched.

By approaching social networks, making their situation known, and generating necessary attention to the dangers that the massive felling of trees and the uncontrolled exploitation of the jungle pose for their people, the Amazon tribes They gain not only the possibility of adding millions of witnesses to what their eyes see, but also valuable fighters who, although from afar, offer their support to a fight in which right now they are completely alone against large companies.

“We want the world to see us so they can help us. We are here in these dangerous waters patrolling our territory, not only for us but for you as well. The Amazon is our government, our father and mother. We cannot survive without it, and As we all understand now, neither can you.

While it is true that the arrival of the Internet and access to mobile phones is a danger for the preservation of their culture In the long term, making known today through the Internet the problems they face is the only tool they have to, at least, have the possibility of facing the struggle of keeping those same traditions alive today. in the morning.

Image | Freaketon in Midjourney

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