The Government comes out to calm the internal situation to advance the chainsaw plan | Gestures to Mondino and winks to Villarruel

The Government comes out to calm the internal situation to advance the chainsaw plan | Gestures to Mondino and winks to Villarruel
The Government comes out to calm the internal situation to advance the chainsaw plan | Gestures to Mondino and winks to Villarruel

After the ejection of Nicolas Posse of the chief of staff – and with it several important officials such as the head of the AFI -, and the scandal unleashed by the Minister of Human Capital Sandra Pettovello with the food collection, last week meant a respite for the government of Javier Milei. Although shortened, the President managed the approval of its base law and the fiscal package in the Senate and, beyond the economic recession, managed to show a drop in the only number that interests the libertarian: inflation. Besides, participated in the G7 summit, which the government considered positive because of the photos that Milei took with important world leaders – although he did not have bilateral meetings but rather greetings as he passed by. Beyond the landing of Federico Sturzenegger, possibly with a secretariat that will be assigned in the short term, Casa Rosada rules out that there will be more cabinet changes. Yes, they will move forward with the “deregulation of the State”, and with the restructuring of the AFI, which would once again be a secretariat.

Without being able to use the excuse that “the caste” does not give him tools anymore – and if the Casa Rosada plans go well and the Deputies approve the original version of the fiscal package— now the president will have to advance in management and for that, they say, will convene the May council. Once the pact is signed – which can be on July 9 in Tucumán— wants this “council”, in which there will be representatives from different sectors, to begin to transform the ten points of the pact into concrete laws that will also insist – like the DNU, the base law and the fiscal package – on deregulate the economy and benefit the most powerful and wealthy sectors to the detriment of the middle and lower classes.

In addition to ruling out new changes in the cabinet, this Sunday the leaders of the Casa Rosada They made an effort to show a climate of unity and supposed “good coexistence.” After removing key areas, leaving her under the plane at the G7 summit and rumors of her replacement growing, Milei made a gesture towards Foreign Minister Diana Mondino and uploaded a post in which you can see a photo of her sitting at a table in the frame of the Ukraine Peace Summit and said: “Chancellor Mondino participated in the Working Group on Nuclear Security.” He also RTed an account called: “La Lady Mondino”, which uploaded a photo of the president in which Mondino and Karina Milei are seen behind and wrote: “‘The tour without a chancellor’, said the envelopes. Milei giving the speech in Switzerland with Mondino and Karina is all that is good”.

Close to the president they also tried decompress the tension between the president and vice president Victoria Villarruel, which was the one that ended up saving the “libertarians” so that the Bases law would not be shipwrecked again. On Wednesday, Milei delayed her flight to the G7 for more than five hours so that she would be the one to break the tie in the Senate and not the provisional president of the Senate.Bartolomé Abdala. The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, He told it this way: “It was the President himself who asked me to tell him what time he estimated the vote would take place in order to postpone his trip so that Victoria Villarruel could preside and define with her vote”. Rumors had stated that the President had not thanked Villarruel and Rosada was in charge of spreading the word that he had done so “in the cabinet chat.”

“We knew that there was a high probability that the vote would end tied 36 to 36, so the president of the Senate had to decide. The President wanted to wait for Villarruel to be the one to break the tie.á and obtain that important minute in which she, after having helped so much in the treatment of the law in the Senate, could be the one to break the tie with his affirmative vote,” Francos added in the radio interview and, to erase the traces of the fights, he concluded: “the President has no problem getting together and having meetings with his vice president. She is his running mate and with her they won the election. “We have to get this litter out of the way and continue addressing important issues.”

One of the strengthened cabinet ministers, meanwhile, is Patricia Bullrich, of security. Beyond Villarruel, who had her moment of prominence in the Senate, the former president of the PRO felt empowered with the brutal police repression that was deployed outside Congress on the day of the session and which ended with dozens of people arbitrarily detained. In Balcarce 50 they say that, once the Bases law and the Fiscal package have been passed —They hope that it will be discussed in Deputies between July 26 and 28 and that they will return to their original versions– They will insist on bills that were stopped and with everything that was left in the way between the original Bases law and the shortened version that was approved.

In Deputies, for example, in May and April projects linked to the issue of security had been submitted. One of them was Bullrich’s “anti-mafia” package and also others related to “combat organized crime.” In the original Bases law, meanwhile, the Minister of Security had wanted to advance with laws that prohibited meetings of more than three people in public spaces, but in Casa Rosada they say that this was a mistake. There were also articles that sought to perpetrate the Chocobar doctrine. Maybe they will insist on that.

The ruling party also has to go through Congress documents of the judges of the Supreme Court and they want to send a own pension reform project. The opposition will insist on this issue in the Senate and will seek to approve its own formula, which already has half approval in Deputies. In the lower house, meanwhile, the discussion on the FONID will continue and it will be necessary to see if Pettovello will go on Tuesday to give explanations to the Health commission where she was summoned for the food scandal.

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