La Rioja pays tribute to the national police officers who were victims of ETA

La Rioja pays tribute to the national police officers who were victims of ETA
La Rioja pays tribute to the national police officers who were victims of ETA

Logroño, June 17 (EFE).- The National Police paid tribute this Monday to five agents injured or killed by ETA who were stationed or based in La Rioja, as part of the commemorative event for the Day of the Victims of Terrorism in this force.

This tribute was held in Logroño, with the participation of the Government delegate in La Rioja, Beatriz Arraiz, and the Superior Chief of Police in the community, Manuel Laguna, in addition to the assistance of the mayor of the capital of Rioja, Conrado Escobar, of the president of the Riojan Executive, Gonzalo Capellán and other civil and military authorities.

This tribute has been developed throughout Spain to remember the 188 National Police officers who were victims of terrorism, mainly ETA, between 1968 and 2015; Furthermore, this event is part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the National Police and coincides with the opening of two exhibitions about this security force in the capital of Rioja.

The police officers Miguel Ruiz and Francisco de la Mata have received a recognition in memory of the attack in which they were injured, in December 1988, in which their partner, also stationed in Logroño, José Antonio Barrado, died; A year earlier, ETA had murdered Rafael Mucientes and Antonio Ligero, the first of them living in the capital of Rioja.

All of them are part of the list of 188 members of the National Police Corps who were victims of terrorism, one of them being Inspector María José García, whom ETA murdered on June 16, 1981, which is why the Day is commemorated on these dates. Victims of Terrorism in the National Police.

Respect and solidarity of the Government of Spain

The Government delegate, in her speech, highlighted the “respect, support and solidarity” of the central Executive “for all those who fell in terrorist attacks, as well as their families” and assured that “the delivery of each of them remains in our memory, like police officers from whom terrorism took away their most precious asset, which is life.”

“Commemorating this Day of the Victims of Terrorism in the National Police perpetuates in the collective memory of Spanish society its unwavering commitment to the security of our country” and demonstrates that “the role played by the National Police Corps during the decades in “the ones that spread terror in Spain was transcendental.”

LOGROÑO, 06/17/2024.- The Superior Chief of Police in the community, Manuel Laguna (d), together with the Government delegate in La Rioja, Beatriz Arraiz (left), visit the exhibition of National Police vehicles in Logroño. EFE/ Raquel Manzanares

Service to democracy

The Chief of Police of La Rioja, Manuel Laguna, in statements to journalists, stressed that “it is only fair that all of society, starting with ourselves, pay tribute to our colleagues who were injured or died in the act of service, serving Spain. and to democracy and to the consolidation of the rights of citizens.”

He recalled how the attack committed by ETA on Ollerías Street in Logroño impacted him and also the one that occurred on Gran Vía Street or the work of the Tedax to deactivate other explosives “although there are others that also reached me because they affected colleagues and their families.” ”.

Along with this tribute to the victims of terrorism, around twenty diplomas have been awarded to agents who have recently retired.

In addition, an exhibition has been opened commemorating the 200 years of the National Police, with a journey through different resources to the history of this body, its fight against terrorism and the presence of the National Police in La Rioja. ; Photographs, uniforms, weapons and other historical objects can be seen in the exhibition.

On the other hand, during this week in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento of Logroño you can see an exhibition of historical vehicles of the National Police.

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