National Director of CONADI visited the Arica and Parinacota Region and fulfilled a busy agenda of activities – Diario El America

National Director of CONADI visited the Arica and Parinacota Region and fulfilled a busy agenda of activities – Diario El America
National Director of CONADI visited the Arica and Parinacota Region and fulfilled a busy agenda of activities – Diario El America

The National Director of CONADI, Luis Penchuleo Morales, carried out various activities during his visit to the region of Arica and Parinacota, last June 14.

Arica, June 17, 2024.- 1:33 pm.-

In its agenda of activities, the ratification of the agreement between the GORE and CONADI to finance the Territorial Action Program for 4 years stands out, an instance in which the CONADI authorities participated; Regional Governor of Arica and Parinacota, Jorge Díaz Ibarra and Regional Councilors. In this way they reaffirmed their commitment to the indigenous communities of the region.

“Happy to have this alliance and that the Regional Government of Arica and Parinacota has decided to inject a significant budget for the PAT at the regional level and to be able to have 100% coverage of the communities in the region regarding their economic development with identity. “What has happened in this region is an example for the country because it is the first Regional Government that supports us with resources to strengthen the territorial action program,” said the National Director of CONADI.

In turn, the Regional Governor declared that “Together with CONADI we have signed a historic collaboration agreement and we are very happy that the National Director is part of this commitment, which aims to rescue and disseminate the most significant aspects of the Aymara culture of our region. Our commitment is clear: indigenous peoples must be the protagonists of their own destiny and that is our challenge.

Another of the milestones that marked the day of the National Director was the Inauguration of Irrigation Projects, Alto Azapa, which were executed thanks to the collaboration agreement established between CONADI and FOSIS that allowed works to be carried out for the efficient use of water. On the occasion, different actors and representatives of the agricultural sector talked about new challenges.

In addition, Penchuleo Morales and the Regional Director of Arica and Parinacota, Raphael Cantillana Barañados, met with the Presidential Delegate, Ricardo Sanzana Oteíza and the Seremi of social development and family, María Isabel Cid Figueroa. They also went to the CONADI Regional Directorate to meet the team of officials. Likewise, they held a dialogue with leaders of the ADI Board of Directors.

In this sense, the Regional Director of CONADI Arica and Parinacota highlighted that “We value the visit of the National Director who, in a tight agenda, prioritized meetings with the leaders of the ADI Alto Andino Board of Directors, as well as meetings with the team of officials and the inauguration of irrigation and greenhouse works projects in the Alto area Azapa, reaffirmed the commitment of the national leadership of CONADI to the development of the indigenous people of the Arica and Parinacota region.”

National Director of CONADI and Regional Director of Arica and Parinacota celebrate together the communities of Alto Azapa the inauguration of projects focused on the efficient use of water and agricultural improvement

Within the framework of an agreement agreed between CONADI and FOSIS, on June 14, agricultural improvement works and water accumulation systems with technical irrigation were inaugurated in the Alto Azapa area of ​​the Arica and Parinacota region. Event that was attended by the National Director of CONADI, Luis Penchuleo Morales; Regional Director of the same institution, Raphael Cantillana Barañados; regional authorities and indigenous community of Alto Azapa.

With sounds of wind instruments and percussion in the background, they once again sealed their commitment to the indigenous communities of Alto Azapa, highlighting the collaborative work of public institutions such as CONADI and FOSIS, whose mission is to strengthen the social cohesion and capacities of communities. with territorial relevance, thus contributing to the economic development of indigenous entrepreneurial families.

In addition to congratulating the leadership and organizational work of the indigenous communities of the area and emphasizing the need to deepen and advance this type of initiatives, the National Director of CONADI, Luis Penchuleo Morales pointed out that “We continue to have gaps and therefore the work that we promote in alliance with other institutions such as FOSIS in this case or CONAF, is the way to shorten these gaps and generate a policy of mainstreaming indigenous policies in the State”.

Meanwhile, the Regional Director of CONADI, Raphael Cantillana Barañados highlighted that “When we think of the desert we think of lifeless, desolate places where no one lives, the Alto Azapa area challenges us in that vision when we see an inhabited place with high productivity that has gone hand in hand with the development of irrigation works in the last 5 years, allowing to increase productivity and promote peasant family farming of the Alto Azapa Farmers Association.”

Calling to continue with the work done, Genaro Quispe Lázaro, Partner of the Alto Azapa community, showed his joy and excitement, stating that “this Help is not everyday, it is a team effort from the government and a very special one from the CONADI institution. This year it was our turn to benefit. Motivate the authorities to continue supporting us and not forget about this area where the main resource is water, we can distribute and manage it in the best way. On behalf of the Azapa Valley Association, very grateful to everyone.”

Finally, Senator José Miguel Durana stated that agriculture is an axis of strategic development for the region, therefore, the contributions provided to small farmers not only help improve their quality of life, but also constitute an important incentive. to continue promoting this virtuous activity that produces fruits and vegetables throughout the year and generates employability.

At the end of the activity, attendees shared a traditional huatia, part of typical Andean cuisine.

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