“The only great LLA driver in Chubut is César Treffinger and we are going to accompany him,” said Menem.

“The only great LLA driver in Chubut is César Treffinger and we are going to accompany him,” said Menem.
“The only great LLA driver in Chubut is César Treffinger and we are going to accompany him,” said Menem.

A few hours after his arrival in Trelew with Karina Milei. The president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation highlighted the importance of the assembly of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) in Chubut.

On Tuesday, Martín Menem and Karina Milei will arrive at 10:30 at Almirante Zar Airport in Trelew. At 12 noon, together with the national deputy César Treffinger, they will attend a hearing in the Federal Court No. 1 of Rawson, where the administrative process for the formalization of La Libertad Avanza in the province will be processed.

Menem emphasized the relevance of Treffinger in the political movement: “The only great leader of LLA in Chubut is César Treffinger, and we are going to accompany him to finish putting together what is necessary and have our own electoral structure in 2025, something that we lacked in several provinces during 2023″.

In that sense, he indicated that “a new way of doing politics is being created. It is striking to see the number of people who have become interested in the legislative functioning after the arrival of Javier Milei to the Presidency. We notice a significant enthusiasm, it is part of a great Argentina that wants to leave behind old political practices.”

“That is why this Tuesday we hope to have an intense day in Chubut, in addition to meeting with our people thinking about 2025, the next electoral stop,” remarked the president of the Chamber of Deputies.

Menem also highlighted Treffinger’s ability and values: “César is one of the most important people in our space, he has the capacity and temperance to face the complications that we have experienced during these times. He is one of the most important references of our party. He is a person of great ethical and moral values ​​who comes from the private sector; “He is a great reference who has a lot to contribute in politics from a human and labor perspective,” he concluded.


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