Well-deserved distinction for Chango Huaqueño

Well-deserved distinction for Chango Huaqueño
Well-deserved distinction for Chango Huaqueño

He Chango Huaqueño He was one of those honored during the week of Foundation of San Juan by Chamber of Deputies of the province delivered the awards called “Illustrious Citizens” and “Outstanding Personalities” to San Juan residents for their prestigious careers and significant contributions in the province.

Together with Horacio Antonio Villafañe Ahumada they were also distinguished Nina Bernadette Labake de Galván, Myriam Estela Figueroa, Ricardo Olivera and Víctor Hugo Castro. While as Illustrious Citizen they were Raúl De la Torre, Hugo De la Torre and Rogelio Rafael Cerdera.

When presenting the biography and life of the deputy Miguel Vegto highlight:
“Horacio Antonio Villafañe, was born on November 6, 1953, in Huaco, Jáchal. As a child he began to feel the desire to play a guitar and let the elves of his voice come out from the depths of his heart. It was like this that in several places huaqueñHe, without his father knowing, was introduced to sit in silence and be able to listen to those singers of the town and appreciate the movements on the tuning fork, to be able to little by little, create and develop his own style.

At 15 years old he came to the city to work in the harvest and then traveled with part of his family to live and work in Tamberias, Calingast departmentto. It was in that valley where the poet’s inspiration was born and the nostalgia of missing his beloved Huaco and all of his Jáchal, it was then that he wrote a waltz and some other verses that he wrote in his free moments.

Then, after years, he moved to live in Ullum and there, the Seed of Tradition was going to burst first in his heart so that with the passage of time it would become the zamba anthem that all of Jáchal sings for his National Tradition Festival and in November or every so often at some event, or at some popular festival.

The artistic pseudonym came from the hand of Sharecropper Jorge Darío Bencewho suggested the dress of a country Changuito to endorse the artistic name, but it was the Gaucha pilcha that won his heart and with which the entire country saw him, sees him and will always see him succeeding our artist who He has more than 100 musical songs of his own and 14 albums edited and recorded with countless successes that place him in a place of true preference among the public of our province and the entire country.
Horacio Antonio Villafañe Ahumada, the Chango Huaqueño, is the idol of the people as he once baptized him Jorge Pascual Recabarrenis the one who values ​​all the work of Don Buenaventura Luna, our greatest poet.”

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