They officially presented the Foundation of the Córdoba Cereal Exchange • Agro Verdad

They officially presented the Foundation of the Córdoba Cereal Exchange • Agro Verdad
They officially presented the Foundation of the Córdoba Cereal Exchange • Agro Verdad

Within the framework of the networking meeting with journalists and communicators held by the Córdoba Cereal Bag at its headquarters, The Foundation of the entity was formally presented, which will be under the direction of a former president of the BCCBA, Juan Carlos Martínez.

It was Martínez himself who explained to those present the objectives and mission of the Foundation, which he defined as “one more tool of the Cereal Exchange, which It is designed to focus on three basic pillars what they do to their insertion into society as a whole: ctraining, sustainability and community.”

The manager reported that, although the meeting was used to make it known to the press, in practice the Foundation is already carrying out actions within the framework of its operating plan, such as courses, workshops and an artistic exhibition at the BCCBA headquarters.

The three axes

“In matters of training we aspire to generate training cadres, both for the sector with which we are involved and for society as a whole. We already have some plans and programs in connection with university entities,” he explained.

On the other hand, he indicated that in sustainability there is “deepening the IndicAgro tool that measures sustainability and social responsibility, and in community we are promoting and preparing a series of cultural actions. It is the stage of organizing tasks based on objectives, because we must remember that this was a project that we had in the pipeline for a long time, but unfortunately the pandemic stopped the momentum and the possibility of starting with a work scheme. Finally, we can say that we are already underway,” said Martínez.

“Integrity, commitment, respect, cooperation and professionalism are just some of the values ​​that will govern the Foundation, and the mission we set out to do is to “generate and promote actions and activities with excellence to contribute to the well-being of society.”he finished.


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