A ruling endorses the EIA carried out by the province for the extraction of siliceous sands

A ruling endorses the EIA carried out by the province for the extraction of siliceous sands
A ruling endorses the EIA carried out by the province for the extraction of siliceous sands

The First Chamber of the Civil and Commercial Appeals Chamber of Gualeguaychú rejected an amparo action against the province of Entre Ríos that had questioned the conclusions of a Cumulative Environmental Impact Study on the extraction of sand intended for use in hydraulic breaking. for oil extraction. The State Attorney, Julio Rodríguez Signes, referred to the recent ruling.

In this context, it is worth highlighting that the Environmental Impact Study had been agreed upon between the province of Entre Ríos and the National University of La Plata, following a ruling from the Superior Court of Justice in which the environmental relevance of the extraction of sands for that purpose, in the Ibicuy area.

“The issue is relevant because the Vaca Muerta oil fields require a certain type of sand for their extraction. Entre Ríos has this material in the Ibicuy area,” Rodríguez Signes noted, and although he mentioned that “several actions of an environmental nature have been filed questioning this activity,” he highlighted that “the province has adopted measures to ensure that exploitations are carried out in accordance with environmental preservation procedures.”

This case refers to “Luciano, Ricardo José Y Otro C/ Bernaudo Guillermo, Ministry of Economic Development, Province of Entre Ríos S/ Execution Action (Art. No. 58, Prohibition Action Art. No. 59, Constitution of Entre Rivers)” – Expte. No. 8310/C, the plaintiff questioned both the conduct and the results of the Cumulative Environmental Impact Study carried out by the National University of La Plata, at the request of the Province of Entre Ríos. But the competent Court rejected the claim.

The ruling of Justice


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