Kylian Mbappé suffers a broken nose, but surgery is ruled out | Euro Cup Germany 2024

Kylian Mbappé suffers a broken nose, but surgery is ruled out | Euro Cup Germany 2024
Kylian Mbappé suffers a broken nose, but surgery is ruled out | Euro Cup Germany 2024

A jump to head a corner kick that ended with Kylian Mbappé’s nose stamped on the shoulder of the Austrian central defender Danso could have led to the end of the French star’s competition in this Euro Cup. Alarms were unleashed throughout the French delegation. The uncertainty was total at midnight, until the president of the French Football Federation, Philippe Diallo confirmed to several French media that the operation was finally ruled out after the tests carried out at the Dusseldorf University Hospital.

It was a header with his septum against the Austrian defender’s beefy shoulder. France is in suspense. The gushing blood coming out of his nostrils already suggested that the mishap could be serious. He had to be treated on the pitch before finally being replaced at the last minute. Afterwards he was examined by the French team’s doctors in the locker room. The doctors determined that he had to be hospitalized and undergo tests to determine the severity of the fracture. With his nose protected by a dark bandage, and with his head down, Mbappé left the bowels of the Arena Stadion in Dusseldorf in an ambulance on his way to the university hospital in the German city.

In the press room, French coach Didier Deschamps did not want to venture to proclaim the end of Mbappé in this championship, but he revealed his sadness and concern. “I don’t have all the latest information, decisions will be made. I saw it on the massage table, it’s not a scratch. But I don’t have the precise elements. So, when I don’t know, I keep quiet,” the French coach said in a dry tone.

The French media assumed that Mbappé had a fractured nose, which would force him to undergo surgery, which has finally been ruled out. “He is not feeling well, he is in poor condition, he was in the hands of the national team’s medical staff. He has a bad nose, that’s for sure, and he looks complicated. “That is the great sadness of tonight for us,” Deschamps continued.

The results determined that Mbappé does not need surgery. The nose fractures establish a minimum absence of one week to ten days, so initially the attacker’s participation in the two remaining first phase matches for France was in danger. If the fracture did not cause excessive complications, Mbappé could even play Friday’s game against the Netherlands with a protective mask.

Aside from concern about Mbappé, Deschamps was satisfied with the victory. “It’s good to start with a victory against an opponent with many athletic qualities, who presses well. We could and should have taken advantage of the chances we did. We had the opportunity to do it and we were also able to better manage the situations in the first and second half, which could become opportunities,” Deschamps analyzed. In general, it is positive that we were also in the fight, and that is a good and important thing. “Quality and talent are important, but this solidarity between those who started and those who entered later must be maintained. “I am satisfied to achieve this first victory before thinking about the second match against a rival who will have 36 more hours of recovery,” he concluded. And also, without being clear if he will be able to count on Mbappé.

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