kept her intimidated with sickening threat

kept her intimidated with sickening threat
kept her intimidated with sickening threat

This Monday, the Oral Criminal Trial Court of Temuco sentenced 17 years of effective imprisonment against a subject who was reported for repeatedly sexually abusing and raping his wife’s daughter, when She was a minor.

As established in the oral trial, the abuse began in the last months of 2015, when the victim was only 14 years old. At that time, the man identified with the initials ARGS repeatedly performed acts of sexual relevance and significance on her. inside the home he shared with his spouse in the commune of Cunco in the region of La Araucanía.

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Later, in 2016, the accused began to “invite” the teenager to car rides near your home with excuse to teach him to drivewhere he also took advantage of sexually attacking her.

“Finally, between the end of 2016 and February 2020, the convicted person repeatedly He raped the victim, in the same context of leaving in a vehicle, to teach him how to drive“, stated the Judiciary.

Sexual assaults spread during six yearsa period in which the “stepfather” kept the victim permanently under threats.

The convicted man threatened to kill the victimboth to her and to her mother if she told what happened”, was established in its formalization.

As a result of the violent crimes committed, the aggressor must serve a prison sentence of 17 years, and after serving that sentence He will be monitored for another 10 years at his home.


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